Akashi Seijūrō (2)

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Everyone knew that Akashi Seijūrō liked [Name].

Only the densest of people didn't know this fact. It was hard not to notice the way that Akashi followed her everywhere (but the bathroom) or the way he let her do her own thing even though he didn't want her to do so. All other males were turned away with harsh glares or a gash in their cheek inflicted by whatever sharp object that he had closest to him.

Today would be no exception.

[Boy's Name] was known to be a player. He, along with a handful of others, tried to take the virginities of girls. And despite every female knowing of his after-hour habits, he was very successful. There were rumors that he used other tactics, such as roofies or rape, to get "points". Currently, he was in the lead for the title of "Virgin Master". It seemed like today he would try to get another mark to his name. There would be no other reason for him to be in the library - a place he detested - bothering [Name].

[Name] wanted nothing to do with him. While it was unnoticed on her blank expression, she hated people like him. To toy with female's hearts was a disgusting act. Her mother was a prime example of one of these females. She had always been fool-hearted, thinking that men who only wanted her for her body actually liked her. It was men like [Boy's Name] who caused [Name] to have five step-siblings, all who were younger than seven years of age.

An arm slipped around [Name]'s waist while a hand caressed her inner thigh. A pick-up line, one that was obviously gotten from the internet, was whispered to her. It fell to deaf ears as she turned the page to the book that she was reading. "Playing hard to get, I see," [Boy's Name] cooed. The hand on her thigh traced circles on the fabric of her pants. "Don't worry. You're my perfect kind of girl." His hand touched the area right next to her womanhood. She snapped the book shut and scooted her chair over.

"It's not wise to be doing that, [Boy's Last Name]-san. I believe many girls will grow sorrowful over the scar that will permanently mar your face," she commented in a monotone voice. His already big smirk grew bigger. "I'm not sure you noticed, but your dear Akashi won't be here for a while." While she showed no reaction on her face, her mind was freaking out. She had forgotten that Akashi had a sudden student council meeting to attend to. She knew that the male liked her. While it wasn't the most honest action to do, she used him as a shield from horny individuals.

Her breath stopped when he wrapped his arms around her figure. [Name] could feel his lips hovering over the skin on her neck. She kept her face as straight as she could. However, she could see her hands shaking the book that she was trying to read. One of his cold hands slipped under her shirt. She could feel tears starting to water her eyes. "Please stop touching me," she said quietly, her voice cracking as she said it. He pulled away from her neck and his hand stopped at her navel. She looked over to his face. She instantly paled when she saw the look in his eyes. No words had to be said what he intended to do to her.

Something in her snapped, and she opened up her mouth to scream. His hand darted up to stop her from doing so. The sudden motion made the chairs underneath them fall. The position she ended up in was everything but modest. He was hovering over her, his hands on the side of her head. Tears were freely flowing down her face at this moment. She tried to kick or punch him, but the weak attacks were easily stopped. She knew it was hopeless; the librarian was almost deaf and no students wouldn't be around the library. Her legs slumped from their previous bended position and her arms lay lifelessly at her side. [Name] rolled her head to the side. All her tears stopped.

[Boy's Name] put his fingers onto her chin and moved her face to look at him. She avoided his gaze by looking toward the side. He put his other hand on her neck, squeezing harshly. She gasped and instantly looked at his face. "Good, good. I like it when my girls look me in the eyes," he said. He leaned down, lips going towards her lips. She closed her eyes while a stray tear traveled down the side of her face.

It was in that moment where she realized that she really needed Akashi. He was her constant in an ever changing world. When she felt at her worst, he was there to pick up her pieces and put her back together again. He made sure that she was safe at all time, even going as far as to wait for her to finish whatever she was doing to escort her home. Despite the situation she was in, her heart started to calm down. It was as if the mere thought of him made her feel better. This was a feeling she had never felt towards another person. It was love.

As she was thinking this, a book was thrown at [Boy's Name]. He let go of [Name]'s face and looked at the person who did the action. "What the hell, man? F@#$ off-" He stopped his yelling when he saw the aura of death surrounding the culprit. "I'm sorry, [Boy's First Name]," said a very familiar voice, "It seems the book slipped out of my hands." [Name] turned her head to the voice. Her heart sped up at the sight of the heterochromatic eyes she had grown used to and red hair. "A-Akashi-kun?"

The redhead fondly smiled. "Hello, [First Name]. I'm sorry we had to see each other in this situation," he fondly said. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the trails of tears on her face. He tossed a pen up in the air. "I've always heard rumors about you, [Boy's First Name]. They always had said that you were a cunning fellow whose charm was that of a Frenchman. It's a shame now they have to add idiotic to that description." In a blink of an eye, he threw the pen at lightning speed. No sound was made as it halfway pierced through [Boy's Name]'s ear and fell to the floor.

[Boy's Name] looked down in horror at the pen with blood on its tip. He touched his right ear. Blood trickled down his finger. The scream that he shrieked could be heard all around the school. The librarian limped his way towards the scene of the accident with his walking cane in hand. "What happened here, Akashi-san?" he asked, squinting slightly to be able to see the redhead.

Without missing a beat, Akashi told him that he had seen [Boy's Name] trying to rape [Name] and threw a book at him to protect her. Everyone was taken into the principal's office. [Name], who was grasping onto Akashi's hand the whole time, told the truth of what had happened in the secluded area of the library. In the end, [Boy's Name] was expelled. When asked about the caked blood on his ear, Akashi only said that [Boy's Name] was experimenting with piercing his ears. A look in his eyes told the principal to not ask anymore questions. Everyone, with the exception of [Boy's Name], was ushered out of the room.

Her legs felt like jelly when she left the room. It was like a miracle that she could even walk at the moment. Everything around her looked surreal. Did all of that really happen? The sickening feeling in her stomach paired with the cold sweat on the back of her neck to her it did. She walked forward as if on autopilot. She was only stopped when an arm pulled her back.

"[First Name], allow me to take you home," Akashi said. [Name] nodded and continued doing so even though he had already walked away. A deep sigh resonated throughout the hallway as she was brought into an awkward hug. Her head rested on his chest. Even though she was about the same height he was, everything felt right. His hand rubbed her back in slow small motions. "Forgive me, [First Name]. I've never comforted someone before. I heard that this was a suitable way of doing so," Akashi explained. [Name] let out a small incoherent mumble and gripped onto his uniform. She could feel unshed tears in her eyes.

"I was really scared, Akashi-kun."

"Anyone would be scared in your position, [First Name]. And please, it's Seijūrō."

"Sumimasen, Ak- I mean, Seijūrō."

Akashi pulled away from [Name]. It took all of her willpower not to reach out so she could get back into his arms. Instead, she wiped her eyes and watched him walk away. When he was a certain distance away, he stopped and turned around to look at her. He extended his hand and called out to her. Maybe it was the lighting framing his face perfectly. Maybe it was her new found revelation. However, seeing him smile widely in that moment made her only think of one thing.

He was truly angelic.

And that made her smile.


My body is finally ready for some requests. And by some, I mean the first two or three.

No lemons. No OCs. Just pure, unadulterated Reader x Character fluff/angst.

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