4. Buffalo Wild Wings?

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Zoe on the side :)
I needed to see the video for myself. I had to find out where Zoe saw the video. I went back to my lunch table and Derek talked first, "Did you do it?"

I shook my head and said, "No, Derek, I didnt break up with him," he looked like he was dissapointed in me. I continued, "Zoe, where did you see the video?"

She said, "One of Zane's friends showed me."

"Oh okay. Who exactly?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Jayden. He's over there, just go ask him to see it."

I smiled a thank you and went to go find Jayden. I saw him sitting with Brad and, you guessed it, Zane. Once I got there, I asked, "Hey, Zoe said she saw the video of Tommy and the girl from you Jayden, and I was wondering if I could see it. Tommy says it's from a long time ago but I don't think so. He probably cheated on me.."

Zane opened his mouth to say something but Jayden beat him to it, "I'm pretty sure it was a while ago but yeah sure, can I text it to you? I don't have my phone with me. Hand me your phone I'll put my number in it." I was surprised, I wasn't really a popular girl and a lot of people don't even know my last name. I was expecting him to say no. I guess Jayden isn't like that. Its weird that he is friends with a douchebag like Zane. I handed him my phone and said, "Thanks."

While he was typing his number, he said, "I'm sure he didn't cheat on you. Tommy isn't like that." No one believes me. Fantastic.

He put in his number and gave me my phone back. I smiled and walked back to my table. "Hey, I got Jayden's number, he's gonna send the video to me."

Zoe looked hopeful, "Cool, can you maybe, possibly, do a tiny favor for meeeee?" Oh, I forgot to mention, Zoe has had the biggest crush on Jayden, since like the middle of 7th grade,

"Yes Zoe," I smiled, "I can ask him to talk to you."

She looked like she was about to cry, happy tears of course.  The bell rang and we continued our day.

When the last bell rang, I was walking to my locker when it seemed like everyone was looking at me. Kind of like a pity, sad, sorry look. When I got to my locker, I turned around and said, "Take a picture, it'll last longer," to all of the people staring at me. Once I said this, they all turned around or walked away and continued with whatever they were doing.

Anyways, I got into my car and drove home. I was so exhausted, did I mention I hate school?
When I got home, I decided to take a shower and watch something on Netflix. I got home and went into the shower and put on Panic! At The Disco's new album, Death of a Bachelor, and started jamming out. I heard a knock on the bathroom door. Then I heard the door open slowly creaking every millimeter it moved. I'm about to die aren't I? Goodbye cruel world!

"Hey Shay. I'm home early," I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank goodness, it was only my mom. I literally thought I was going to die, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat when you get out of the shower."

"Sure, where at?"

She said, "Anywhere you want, my treat."

"Okay, I'm almost done. Ill be out in a minute." I was slightly disappointed that  I didn't get to my favorite song, LA Devotee, and I guess Grey's Anatomy can wait. I got out and got dressed. I don't really know where I wanna go. Ooohhh!! How about Buffalo Wild Wings!! I love wings!! I went downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey mom, can we got to Buffalo Wild Wings?"

She shook her head yes and off we went.

When we were in the car, I decided to text Jayden. I found his contact and typed in, "hey, it's shailene. thanks for the favor :)."


authors note,

hey, this chapter is only 575ish words but i wanted to end it when she texted him. im having fun writing this and im not gonna be the type of person on wattpad to start a story and not finish. i hope you liked it, and im thinking about the cast. i dont know who should be who.



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