22. Smartbass

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"Where's Zane?" I asked

"The boy in the black shirt?" He asked. Zane was wearing a v-neck black shirt, jeans, and his leather jacket, the usual.

"Yes, him." I said.

"I'm sorry ma'am. He died, he was shot in the head." He said.

End of Flashback

I was currently in my living room with my dad.

"I miss you so much Dad." I told him.

"I miss you more, Shailene. You are a very strong and brave young lady. You have someone very special in your life, and you need to stay for them."


"Yes, you got shot, in your leg. You're loosing a lot of blood. It's not looking good." He told me.

I looked down,"What are you talking about? My leg is fine." I laughed.

"Just listen to me Shailene. Stay for him. Don't give up. I know you miss me, but I don't want you to join me up here."

"Who's him? Zane?" I questioned. He nodded his head.

"He was murdered. There's no point anymore."

He shook his head no this time, "Stop being stupid honey. Your mom needs you and so does Zane."

"Dad..he's gone."

"Listen, I love you. I have to go. Don't give up! I will be watching from above." He smiled and hugged me.

"Okay dad, I love you." I told him. I slowly felt him fade away.

I opened my eyes. I was in the hospital, hooked up to the machine thingy. I looked down at my leg. So I did get shot. I pressed the nurse's button.

"How can I help?" It was Brody, the nurse I saw last time.

"Oh, hi. Where's my family?" I asked.

"They are in the waiting room, I will go get them. But first, how are you feeling?"

"Um..good I guess. I just need my mom." He smiled, "Okay."

He left and came back a minute or so later with my mom. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She quickly walked over and gave me a hug but made sure not to touch my leg.

"Honey! I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too."

"Do you want to see Zane?" She asked. I was confused.

"Mom, he got shot, he died. What are you talking about?"

"Honey, Zane is perfectly fine. What are you talking about?" Zane is...alive? Why did the police officer say he died?

"Nothing. Can I see him?" She nodded, went out to the hall and called his name. He came rushing in.

"Shailene! Oh my God! You are okay!" He came over to me and hugged me like my mom did, avoiding my leg. He looked like he was about to cry..almost.

"How are you alive?" I asked.


"The police man that carried me to an ambulance said that you died. He said the one in the black shirt had been shot in the head and killed."

"He was probably talking about someone else. Most likely Dan. I'm okay Cupcake. I'm here now.I thought you were gone and I don't know what I would have done."

"I'm so stupid. I didn't think of that."

"You're not stupid Shailene."

"Okay. I'm just glad you are safe and with me right now at this moment." I said as I grabbed his face and touched my lips to his.

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