26. Ending..

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14 months later...

"I'll be home after class." I told Zane.

"Okay. I might not be home though. I have an errand to run."

"What errand?"

"Oh it's nothing. I'll explain when I get home."

"Okay, love you." I smiled.

"Love you too babe, see you at home." He said and winked. Damn, is he ever not irresistible?!
Zane's POV

I'm so nervous right now. The 'errand' I'm running is going to Kay Jewelers. I'm planning on proposing to Shay. I don't think we need to get married right away. I'd like to wait a little longer, say a couple years or so. But I would like to be engaged to her knowing that were soon to be married.

"Hello! Welcome to Kay Jewelers! My name is Jay. What can I do for ya?"

"Hi. I need an engagement ring. Preferably one of the cheaper ones." I'm planning on just getting a really inexpensive one for now and a couple months before we get married, I'll buy a much more expensive and fancy one for her.

"Sure thing." He said as he guided me to look at the rings in the glass counters.

"How's this one?" He asked as he held up a ring with a tiny tiny diamond in the middle.

"It's unique." I told him. "I'm just looking for a simple and inexpensive ring. This ring won't be the 'real' ring. It's just something to have until I can afford a fancier one."


"Hey, is Bruce working today?"

"Yeah! Do you know him?"

"Haha yeah he's my uncle."

"Okay kid. I'll go get him for you."


A few minutes later, Bruce came out with Jay.

"Hey Zanie!"

"Uncle Bruce! Don't call me that!"

"Haha I'm just messing with ya kid." He laughed.

"So Zane, who's the lucky girl?"

"Her names Shailene."

"Ahhhh. Pretty name."

"Yeah. Anyways, I need one of the smaller rings you have. I'm using this ring until I can afford something better."

"Okay son. How about this one?" The ring he held up was it. It was the ring. It had a thin band and three little diamonds across it.

"That's it!" I said.

"Okay." I told him Shailenes ring size...Which by the way, was challenging. I had to measure her ring finger at night while she was sleeping!
I got disappointed when he told me how much the ring costed. It was a couple thousand over my budget.

"Oh...do you have anything cheaper?"

"Listen Zane, you're my only nephew. I'll do anything for you. I'll help you out."

"No uncle Bruce. That's okay. I don't want to take anyone's money."

"Zane I own this store. I have more money than I can count. Trust me, I wouldn't offer if I didn't think it was a good idea."

"Uncle Bruce.."

"Too late. I already rung it up. I'll go get my checkbook." Ugh I didn't want that to happen. I'll have to pay him back in the future.

He came back out with a check already filled in. "I'm going to pay you back ya know."

"Nonsense. Anything for you Zanie."

"Thank you. I can't put it in words how much I appreciate this."

He gave me the ring and I started towards the door.

"Good luck Zanie!!!"

I laughed. "Bye Uncle Bruce!"


Shailene's POV

"Zannneeee!!" I squealed as he tickled my sides.

"Yes baby?" He said smirking.

"Quit tickling me!!" I said laughing between breaths.

"Only if you marry me." He said. My heart stopped. What.? We're too young to get married! What the hell is he thinking?


"I'm not saying lets get married this year or next year. Let's be engaged, or have a promise to marry each other or something like that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Shailene. I know we're young and all but I'm sure about you. We don't need to rush. I just want to make it official that you're mine. We have a lifetime. Just say yes."

"Yes." I said laughing. "Of course I'll marry you Zane. Just not this year or the next."

He pulled a ring out of his pocket. "You already had a ring?!" I shrieked.

"Of course."

"Oh my goodness." I smiled.

"We're both 19 now and just starting life and after college we will be ready to spend the rest of our lives together."

Married. Me, Shailene, married? Oh my goodness I'm so happy!!

"Baby don't cry."

"What?" I wiped my cheek. There was tears. "Well they are just tears of joy."

"I love you Shailene."

"I love you too Zane." I kissed him will all the love I had in me.

...Let me just catch you up on a few things. Zane and I got into the same college and live in an apartment off campus. Zane is trying to become a mechanic, and I'm going to become a nurse. We have been together for around 1 year and 7 months now...

"Mr. Zane and Mrs. Shailene Wilde." Zane said.

"That's funny."

"Sounds good though." Zane smiled.

"Yeah it does." I said as Zane put the ring on my finger.

"I know it's not that grand or fancy but I'm going to get you a ring with the biggest diamond on it once I can afford one."

"Zane, a ring is just a ring. Diamond or no diamond, this ring means the world to me." He took my face and kissed me.

"I love you so much." Zane said as he pulled away to take a breath.


Yessss I know this is HELLA short but it's just something to keep it going. Yes it's the last chapter. But I'm going to make an epilogue so that's the good news!



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