23. Not Again...

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I was currently sitting in Zane's room. We were watching a movie on Netflix. He laughed and I looked at him, "What?"

He smiled, "You are so cute when you look like you are about to fall asleep."

I smacked his chest playfully, "I'm not about to fall asleep!"

"Babe, look at the corner of your mouth. There's drool." I raised my hand and felt the corner of my mouth. Ew, it was all dried now. My faced flushed red.

"Hold on, I got to get it off." I said as I got up and went to his bathroom. I was washing my face when I saw something.

Thanks for last night Baby! It was amazing.. XOXO

What the fudge? He...cheated on me? After he knew what happened with Tommy? I was crying by now. How could he do this to me? I went back into his room with the note in my hand.

"What the hell is this?"

"What are you talking about Shay?"

"I'm leaving. It's over.." I told him as I stormed out, at least tried to, hobbling on my crutches.

I could hear him calling my name, "Shailene! Wait!"

I turned around before I opened my car door, "What the hell is wrong with you! After what happened with Tommy and you even knew why I waited to do things like that! Then you just go and cheat on me?" I said, more like yelled.

"What are you talking about! I didn't cheat on you!"

"Yeah, well deny it all you want, I'm done with you Zane Wilde!" I yelled as I dropped the note on the cement. I got in my car, locked the door, and drove off. I can't not believe this. I might as well never date anyone if all they will ever do is cheat on me! I'm not even sad, I'm pissed! I put on the radio and Justin Bieber's Sorry came on. I sang along and tried to forget about Zane. I should have never dated him in the first place. He was dangerous and I knew it. I'm an idiot. 5 months of my life down the drain. I loved him, I really did. I even thought that I could spend the rest of my life with him. I focused on the song and drove to Eli's house. I need to talk to someone. Luckily though, they shot me in my left leg and even without the crutches anymore, I can't do much. One of the things I could do was drive.

I rang the doorbell and he opened after 20 seconds or so. "Hey Eli," I didn't realize there was tears filling my eyes until he said, "Shay, why are you crying? Are you okay?"

I sadly laughed, "Yeah, Zane and I are over."

"What happened?"

"Well there was this note in his bathroom that said thanks for last night or some stupid crap like that."

He frowned. "Wow, I didn't know Zane was that low."

"Yeah, I didn't either."

"Do you need anything? Ice cream or chocolate or something?" He asked, and I laughed.

"No, I just didn't know who to talk to."

"What about Zoe and Derek?"

"Zoe is out with Jayden and Derek isn't the best listener. I don't usually tell him a lot of stuff."

"Oh, well I'm happy to be of service."

"Thanks. Anyways, can we go somewhere or do something? Of course, if you aren't busy."

"I am all booked, sorry"


He smiled, "I'm just kidding!"

"Oh," I said with a sort-of smile.

He frowned, "Sorry, I shouldn't be joking around in this situation."

"Your'e fine. I thought you were serious, it was a good one." I assured him, as I laughed.

"Okay, good. So what do you want to do?"

"How about the mall? I have birthday money leftover."

"Sure, let me just grab my wallet."

"Okay, I'll be in the car." I told him. I'm so glad that I have Eli. I don't have any feelings for him anymore, I don't think I ever did. I think of him more as a friend or brother.

I was turning the radio back on when he opened the door and hopped in.

"What happened to you and Katelyn?" I asked.

"Well she was kind of and egotistic bitch."

I laughed. "You are just realizing that?"

"Yeah, unfortunately." He laughed along. "Also, because she got arrested and stuff. I don't know how though."

"You don't know how she got arrested?"

"I'm confused, should I?"

"She was part of the gang that took Zane and I hostage. She was part of the group that shot me in the leg. Her dad was also in it, as well as Zane's older brother." I told him as I looked at my leg in the bandages.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I don't follow the news much."

"It's okay, I just thought you knew. It just happened like a couple weeks ago."

"I just thought you sprained it or something, again I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

The rest of the ride was silent. We were at the mall for three or so hours. I was in a wheel chair thing that they have right when you walk in. I didn't want to make him push me around but he said he wouldn't let me walk around the whole mall with my leg. I told him I'm off crutches and it doesn't hurt anymore but he still says no.

We got some food and sat down at a table. I finished eating around the same time he did and we left. He took me home and I went to my room and thought about all the events that took place today. I eventually fell asleep. Until my phone got a text and woke me up.

Like the little note I left your man? XOXO

Not again...


This chapter is shorter than usual but I'm trying to get more short ones and more chapters. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. and like usual...




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