13. Molotov's?

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When I opened my eyes, I immediately shut them. Damn it was bright.

Where am I?

"Shay! Shay! Can you hear me?" A voice asked me, it was deep and  husky.

I opened my eyes and got used to the bright lights. It was Zane.

"Yeah," I coughed.

"Oh my gosh, I thought I was gonna lose you!"

I asked, "What the hell happened?"

"Your house, it was on fire. I pulled you out."

"How...?" Then I realized, I had made a grilled cheese, I must of forgot to turn the stove off.

I sighed, "Stupid grilled cheese!"

He looked confused, "What?"

"I made a grilled cheese, and went up to my room. I must have forgotten to turn off the stove."

"Shay, it didn't start in the kitchen," What? How the hell did it start then, "the police said it started in your living room."

"What?" I tried to sit up. "Owww..."

"Shailene, sit back down. I will get your mom."

With that, he left the room. My mom walked in a couple minutes later.

"Honey! I am so glad you're okay! We thought you were gone!"

"Mom, I'm okay. How did the fire start? Zane told me it started in the living room, but from what?"

She sighed, "Someone threw something through the window, the police said a molotov maybe." She looked like she was about to cry, "Someone did this on purpose, Shay, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I know it must of been scary."

"I'm fine mom, really. How did Zane find me?"

"He came over to see you and you wouldn't answer and he said the door was unlocked. He walked right in and saw the fire, he ran up to your room and you were laying on the ground. Doctor's said you hit your head." It all came back to me. I was eating my grilled cheese and laying on my bed. I fell asleep and woke up to find smoke all in my room. I tried to get out but the smoke got to me and I fell.

"Oh, okay. Thank God he did."

"Yes, okay honey, I'll go get the nurse. Love you." She walked out and a nurse came in.

"Hi, I'm Brody," he was pretty attractive, not as much as Zane though, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, my head kinda hurts and I'm sore."

"Okay. We can give you some medications for that. The good news is that you will be able to go home tomorrow. We just have to monitor you tonight." He smiled.

I smiled back, "Okay thank you."

"No problem, get some rest."

With that, I shut my eyes and went back to sleep.


When I woke up, I looked at the clock, it said 8:38 a.m. Wow, I must of slept through the night.

I noticed that the needles that were in my arm were gone. I sat up. I wasn't that sore anymore. I got up and walked to the bathroom that was in my room. I looked in the mirror.

I looked terrible. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. When I left the bathroom, Zane was sitting on the bed.

"Hey Cupcake," he smiled.


"I know we have only gotten to know each other in the past 2 months, but-" My mom walked in before he could finish.

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