7. The Plan

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"I could ask you the same question Cupcake." Zane smirked.

"Where's Tommy? He was supposed to meet me at the park, but he stood me up," I told him.

He laughed, "That's so Tommy. Once a dick, always a dick."

I was getting annoyed, "Where is he, and what are you talking about?"

He sighed, "Come in and I will explain." So I did as I was told. He sat at the kitchen table and I followed. I sat down and he began to explain.

"Okay, so I guess I should start with telling you that Tommy isn't good for you. He cheated on you."

"I knew it..No one believed me though. Not even my friends.." I sighed.

"I believe you...,"whoa the bad boy believes me, "...because I was the one who took the video, I was returning a book for a friend, and I saw them in there. With our past, I could use some revenge. So I recorded them."

"How do I know your not lying? And what happened that you need revenge for?"

"None of your business. We just don't like each other. That's all I'm going to say. I could help you get revenge on him though, only if you want," he said.

I was confused, is this the Zane that was being an assface to me the other day at the mall? I said, "Sure but why are you helping me?"

He shook his head, "Cupcake, I'm not helping you, I'm just helping myself to a little revenge." Oh this is so Zane, he wouldn't help anyone but himself. Where was Tommy?

"Where's Tommy?"

"I have no idea. I came here to visit my aunt and uncle. They are in the other room. But he wasn't here when I came and I didn't bother to ask." Oh well that still doesn't answer my question.

"Oh, and how are we getting revenge exactly?" I asked him.

I never noticed how attractive he was, his blonde-brown hair always messed up but in the right places and his green eyes. I could just stare at him...Shayyyy woah what are you thinking? This is the bad boy that breaks girls hearts..plus he's an ass face.

He thought for a second, "We could pretend like we are a thing or something. Just small kisses or some shit when he's looking. Make him jealous you know?" I thought about this, I mean I don't really want to kiss him in front of everyone because people will think I'm the one cheating.

"I don't know about kisses, how about..smiles and almost kisses, and flirting around him, or something like that."

"They're just kisses they won't mean anything. But whatever. We will start small. Just act like were getting closer."

I didn't know if this would work, what happens after all of this? Will he come clean? Probably not. This is stupid. "I don't think this will work, sorry, I have to go." With that, I left him there at the table and got in my car and went home.

By now, it was already 8:30 so went to bed.


When I woke up, all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I had to get up, so I got up and got dressed. I put on leggings and a v-neck, and you guessed it, my black Vans. I went to the kitchen. Mmm...bacon! "Hey mom."

"Hey honey, here just take a piece of bacon. Your running short on time." So I grabbed one and put it in a napkin. I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and left.

The first half of the day was boring, as usual. When lunch came around, I sat with Zoe and Derek. I didn't even bother looking over to Tommy's table.

Unfortunately, he came over. "Hey, I'm so sorry. I feel horrible. My mom and dad took me out to dinner and they didn't even tell me. They made me go. I started to yell because I had plans with you and they took my phone so I couldn't let you know I couldn't make it."

Oh what the fudge! How is he just about to lie to my face like that? "Ha that's weird, considering I was at your house yesterday with Zane and both of your parents were there." He had this look, it kind of looked like an 'Oh shit' look.

"You were with Zane?"

I ignored him and got up and walked to Zane's table. I sat down and said, "When does the plan start?"

He looked surprised, "Now I guess."

"What do we do?"

"Be patient Cupcake."

Ughh what am I even doing??

We could tell Tommy was behind us listening. We knew he was there but he didn't know we knew.

Zane said, "Okay babe, see you at your place."

I played along and smiled. I got up and turned around acting surprised that he was listening.

"What does he mean he will see you at your place?"

"I'm tutoring him, is that okay? Sorry I didn't know I needed permission."

"Yeah dude. Just tutoring." Zane smirked and I walked back to my table.

The rest of the day went by slowly. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. Not even ten minutes after I got home, the door bell rang. I thought it was Tommy. I went and answered it.

"What are you doing here Zane?"

He smirked, "Here for my tutoring lessons. I may be a jerk but I don't lie. I need help in math, are you good at that?"

What? I didn't know what to say and I knew he wasn't going to leave so I just said, "Not really, but I'll try and help."

For the next hour or so, I was attempting to help him with his math. We gave up and decided to play 20 questions.

He asked, "Favorite color?"

I said, "Blue, how about you?"

He said, "Black like my soul." We both laughed and I said, "You are such an idiot."

He put his hand by his heart and faked being hurt, "I can't believe you would say that to me!"

It was my turn to ask so I said, "How come your being nice to me?"

He just said, "Your not as annoying as I thought you would be."

I just smacked him in the arm playfully. "I think you should get going. I should start cooking dinner."

"Okay bye Cupcake. We will continue tutoring tomorrow."

"Ughhhh." and I heard the door shut.


hey! I like this chapter. they finally start talking to each other and they come up with a plan. I think i might ditch the plan soon... :)

i hope you enjoyed!



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