24. Complete

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It's been 4 weeks since I got shot in the leg. My leg is mostly healed, there's just a bruise now. It doesn't hurt anymore though so that's good. I haven't talked to Zane besides maybe once or twice. I've cried at least ten times that number. I'm still not over him and I don't want to be over him to be honest.

"Ms. Brooks? What's the answer to number 4?" Oh shit..I must have been daydreaming again..

"I'm not sure Mrs. Finnley. Sorry." I sighed.

"Are you okay Ms. Brooks?" She asked, looking concerned.

I wanted to say 'Would you be okay if your house burned down, you were kidnapped, and got shot in the leg? Oh and your two last boyfriends cheated on you? Right, didn't think so.' But since I'm in a classroom of 25 students or so, I just nodded and said, "I'm okay."

"Okay. Now back to number 4, anyone?" Not a lot of kids rose their hand but Zane did.

"Yes, Mr. Wilde?"

"I would like to use the restroom."

She sighed in annoyance. "Fine, but you have 3 minutes." With that, Zane got up and walked out of the room, but before he left, he sneaked a note on my desk.

Hey. I miss you and I know you miss me. I have an explanation for what happened.

Oh please, an excuse or lie is not an explanation. At the bottom, it read:

Meet me by the park tonight at 5.

Maybe he does have an explanation..maybe he doesn't. But I don't want to find out. I don't really want to talk to him.

When he walked back in, I took his hand and put a note in it. I wrote back

I'll think about it..

The rest of the day went by really slow. All my periods were boring like usual and I was just waiting to go home and start watching a new show on Netflix.

I got in my car and drove home. I usually get home around 2:45 p.m from school so I still had some time to decide if I was going to meet up with Zane.

I put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt ..my favorite. I started to scroll through the list of shows and I found one that interested me. Jane the Virgin. It was about a girl named Jane, obviously, and she was artificially inseminated. Basically, she was pregnant while still being a virgin.

A bag of chips and a can of soda later, I finished two episodes. It was very interesting actually and I think I will continue to watch it. It was around 4:40 and I was still deciding if I should go or not.
Well the pros are
~I could get him back if it's a reasonable explanation.
~I would feel mentally better.
~I wouldn't have to watch Netflix alone.
The cons are..
~What if he's lying?
~If he did cheat on me, will I accept his apology, assuming he wants to apologize.

I don't really know. I should give him a chance to explain himself and what happened.

I decided..I'm going. I deserve an explanation.

I hopped in my car and headed to the park. He was sitting on the swing as I walked towards him. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Shailene, I didn't think you would come."

I laughed, mainly to myself. "Neither did I."

"Okay, so it's a long story but it's the truth. So just hear me out." I nodded, signaling him to continue.

"Well after you left, I found another note that said, 'Like the note? Xoxo'." I stopped him right there.

"Wait, after I left your place, I found a note that said, 'Like the note I left your man? Xoxo'."

"Okay, there's an explanation."

"Okay." I told him.

"A few days after that, Britney came over and wanted to you know..do it. I told her no and she came back the next day asking for the same thing. I kept telling her no and this happened once or twice more. I told her I would if she told me why she was so perisistent. I only said I would to get it out of her. She could have any guy she wanted and she kept going after me. Let's be real, I know Britney and when she wants to do it, she will grab the closet thing with a pe-"

"I get it." I cut him off.

"Okay well anyways, I knew something was up. She said she has been visiting Katelyn in jail and Katelyn has been telling Britney to go after me to get to you. She even admitted that the note that was in the bathroom, was Katelyn's idea and she told her to put it there for you to find it. I never cheated on you Shay and I never would. I love you and I couldn't bear life without you."

"Wow, I feel like such an ass. I should've let you explain first."

"Listen Shailene, I would have reacted the same way you did if I thought you were cheating on me. I'm sorry it had to happen and I told Britney from now on, if she messed with us one more time, she would regret it."

I hugged him. He didn't respond at first because I shocked him with the hug but then he immediately put his arms around me.

"She is such a bitch. After what she put us through, and she's in jail, she still has the nerve to mess with us."

"I know. I hate her. She never meant anything to me and I wish I'd never met her."


"Can you forgive me?"

I laughed. "For what? You didn't do anything."

"For not coming to you earlier. I should have talked to you the day after it happened."

"Listen, I get it. I'm okay now." I smiled.

I'm complete again.



Heyyyyyy!! Sorry I've been gone for so long!! I have been testing nonstop! I'm not sure when my next update is but I'm assuming soon.



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