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There's a loud banging' of music at the famous bar called "Bangkok Hangover" which is owned by Zee Matanawee that happens to be my best friend. Pretty and hot girls are everywhere, drinking, dancing, and you know? (hehe) flirting with guys that they find attractive. It's already 10 pm and the night is just starting. I had a few shots of whiskey but I feel fine at the moment. The crowd started to get wild and rowdy as the music is turned up (music playing how deep is your love by Calvin Harris).

"And yeah! There she is!" Zee's approached her getting cosy with a girl kissing her neck.

"Hey bro!" She looked at Tina as she shrugged.

"Bro yourself! haha." She pointed her lips the girl who was still busy kissing Zee.

"Oh baby, let us continue later okay"? Asked Zee in a flirty manner..."

"Uhm okay." The girl hissed as she kissed Zee one last time and left them.

"So"!? Zee and sat down with Tina and hugs her with one arm wrapped on her shoulder. Tina smiling and shaking her head and finally says,

"You're such a player bro".

"What? Me? Hah! No for sure", Zee complains.

"Dude! I own a bar; of course my job is to flirt"!

"And you're proud of it"? Asks Tina but instead of answering, Zee just looks at her and both laughs...

"So what's up with you? I've missed you" Zee stared at her with curios expression. Tina sips her whiskey first before answering,

"I went around like my Dad asked me to. I visited and observed our hotels in Europe, States, and here in Asia. I'm tired bro", says Tina with a sigh.

"Yeah. Been busy huh? Anything special happens"? Zee shook her with playful smile.

"No!" Tina objects. "What special about it? I love my Dad and I thought I should give it a try. Anyway I am their only child so that makes me the heir".

"Yeah I get it, business.. Look I know you're tired but I want to make it up to you", says Zee with you-know-what-I-mean-look? "It's been a while; you want to get laid tonight"? Zee asked raising her eyebrows.

"You're crazy"!!! Tina smiled and both burst into laughter.

"C'mon let's dance! Girls are waiting"...And Zee dragged Tina to the dance floor.


Oh... what a wonderful view. This is just a magical place. Aom's thought. It's just six o'clock in the morning and she was facing the beach with the sunlight touching her lovely skin that obviously revealed her beautiful and pretty face in all angles. "Ah... perfect", she says as she closed her eyes and hugs herself. Meanwhile, she was startled and able to wakes up from her deep thoughts when her phone rings.

"Hello mama"? She answered her phone with a happy tone.

"Aom baby, how are you"?

"I'm okay mama". She smiles because her mama, Mrs. Sucharat always act like something's wrong.

"We miss you, you're papa and I always", Says her mama with a concern tone.

"I miss you too, both of you and don't worry too much mama. I'll be coming home soon", Aom assures,

"And I'll see you soon baby, bye for now, I need to water the plants. Please take care"?

"Okay mom I will",

" Aom baby"?

" Yes mom"? Aom asked with confusion.

"You're papa is asking if you already found your Mr. Right"? Her mom asked cheerfully.

"What?! No mama"! Aom answered irritably. "You're teasing me again", she protested."

"Okay okay honey" Her mom chuckles. We just miss you. Bye now for real".

"Okay bye mama." She sighed, Yeah right, Mr. Right? Where are you? I wonder. Aom thought with a smile on her lips.

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