Chapter 10

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At the Restaurant

Tina wa stunned seeing Aom with Mike which made her stop and pulled herself back straight away with a heavy heart. She sighed and pulled the card out from the bouquet staidly and throws the flowers inside the trash container a few steps away from the restaurant's entrance door. She drove back to the hotel absent-mindedly and went up to change her clothes and decided to went down to cool herself with fresh air from the beach.

This is what she usually does when she's stressed, sad or emotional. She knew that taking barefoot walk along the sandy beach is a good treat for the senses that constantly helps her think clearly whether she does it on a sand or elsewhere. She combed her hair with her hands and sighed deeply.

"You're stupid Tina.. you deserve this because you hurted her feelings, she's right, I'm stupid.!". She mocked herself in her thoughts.

"Good evening Mr. Lonely...", Someone greeted her from behind but the tom didn't hear anything so she continued to wonder her thoughts until she poked her shoulder and that's when she turned and saw Mean. "Looks like you've been dreaming.?" She smiled and walked beside her.

"Nah..I'll just miss this place." She lied smiling at her.

"Yeah..this place is more than amazing." Mean agreed and explored her eyes around.It's already dark but the effect of bright lights of different colors touching the surface seawater contributes the beach's beauty at night time. "Can I walk with you.?" She asked.

"Ofcourse--- but you have to take off your pretty sandals first," Tina answered pointing her lips to her foot and quickly the girl obeyed her and they started walking.

"So when are going home,?" Mean asked.

"Probably tomorrow." Tina answered looking down at the sand. "How about you.?"

"Tomorrow, Mike's leaving with I have to go alone." She responded but she noticed Tina looked at her as if she didn't hear her. "Something's wrong.?" She added.

"Nothing." Tina forced a smile. "You're friend is seriously out to get her.?"

"Mickey?" Mean clarifies. "Actually, he had atleast four girlfriends before-- he pursued each of them but not as persistent as he is now. He's not a player don't get me wrong.. but the idea of girls chasing after him made him somewhat conceited." She continued while Tina nods. "I remember he told me that he hasn't found his match, his soulmate...not until she came, Aom who showed him no interest finally caught his attention." She explained.

"That crazy girl caught my attention too." Tina thought.

"What do you think of Aom?.. you think.. she likes him too.?" Mean asked strangely.

"Huh? Aaa..I think so, I guess." She muttered confused."How about you? you found yours?".

"Not yet". She replied dryly. "You?"

"Actually there's someone I like..but that girl is complicated." She smiled warily.

"Haha! you're cute when you're shy." Mean giggles.

"Let's go home together, perhaps I'll let you meet my friends." Tina offered and their eyes met.

"That sounds fun, ok!" Mean agreed cheerful.

"We can go to my bestfriends bar too." Tina said.

"And I'm afraid you'll break another martinin glass too?" She teased and both laughs hard.

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