Chapter 16

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I did not reply Tina's last text message because I don't want to flatter myself too much with her cheesy punch lines. Besides, I already said good night so I guess that would give her a hint that I fell to sleep instantaneously. I put my phone sitting on the night stand and I laid my head back to bed. I let out a deep breath since I' m eventually perplexed by my own twisted feelings. How could I prepare myself for this possibility? I usually imagined myself falling in love with a guy, a guy! For heaven's sake Aom. A handsome, kind, romantic, and family-oriented guy like Papa. I am straight! Tell me is it really possible? Dang! I hissed as I continue to mock myself. I brushed my face with my hands and pulled a pillow to cuddle with distressfully. Mike, Mike almost has it all. I tried to convince myself with brighter choices. It's clear that my parents admired him so much being humble, straight-forward and respectful despite of being a famous celebrity. OK, I admit that I admired him too for the same reasons and I 'm not blind with his efforts as well but what about Tina? I don't think my parents would be that open-minded to accept the idea when even just the thought of it would definitely give them goose bumps. What to do? I already given her hopes up didn't I? Arg! I don't even know how I got myself into this situation. I decided to get out of bed because I really can't go to sleep so I went downstairs thinking a glass of milk would help to take my mind off from everything that's bothering me. My parents always sleep early at night believing that they can take their responsibilities energetically in a constant manner when they wakes up which left me a quite some time alone.


I fell to sleep quickly while hopelessly waiting for Aom's reply. I thought I was in my deep sleep because I felt my mouth wide open the whole time. After 30 or 35 minutes I wasn't really paying attention to the time but I woke up forcefully because of the sound of my phone ringing non-stop. I picked it up nonchalantly but at the back of my mind hopes it was her so I played safe without looking at my caller's identification.

"Hello?" I answered almost lifeless tone.

"Hello Tina? Sorry...did I wake you?

I widened my eyes and sat up quickly when I heard the familiar voice on the other line.

"Me--Mean?, I asked, mystified.

"Yes, Tina it's me. I'm--I'm at Zee's bar. She--She called me she said you're coming here so I decided to go." Mean explained.

I I jumped out of my bed after hearing Mean's statement. "Zee you little freak!" I thought furiously.

"You should have contacted me first." I replied worriedly. "I'll be there soon! Don't...Aah...Arg---! Just stay right where you are! I dropped the call without letting Mean say something and hurriedly change my clothes more than 3 times already. I acted disconcertedly as wild thoughts of Zee and Mean keeps on taunting me until finally I decided what to wear and got out of the house but before I started the car I attempted to call Zee first and luckily she answered the phone.

Zee: "Hey!" (Loud bang of music playing) "I knew you would call dude!" She shouted.

Tina:"Dude!? I will beat the dude out off you Zee... Where's Mean?! Don't you dare---"

Zee: (laughs) "Dude relax! She's fine with me, we're young and wild and free."

Tina: "I'm coming ok! Don't do anything stupid to her or else I'll kill you." I responded almost angry.

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