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I Like Her!


She's lying on her bed wearing a blank expression. She stayed there collecting her thoughts about the things that took place so fast. She doesn't even have time to react. She have to cope with the situation, manage the grand hotel the best way she knows, and get along with her boss, the bipolar tomboy and the reason that she's unable to think with clarity over her emotions. She sat down and looked at her wound with a bondage around it and she pressed it gently with her fingers. Well..I guess she's not that awful after all. I wonder why she even bother to carry me? she sighed. I won't forget the look on her face while she was concentrating on attending my wound. So worried.. so natural.. so charming... She can make a beautiful girl if she was not a tom but she can also be overly impossible handsome creature if she was a boy. Aaah! silly! she reprimanded herself. How can possibly think of such things in this situation like this?, she asked herself in her thoughts. You can like everybody but not a tomboy okay?! Arggg! I' am straight! she convinced herself. Oh my gosh! Mike! I almost forgot! Tsk! never been this pre-occupied before and she went quickly and fixed herself.

Aom opened the door nervously although she's aware who''s behind it. Mike was wearing a fitted white v-neck shirt, black jeans and a brown boots that suit him up perfectly fine. He was so good-looking and with a manly aura. Nam's right. Mike's handsome indeed, she thought. They smiled and slightly vowed to each other. "Come in please" Aom offered.."Thank you" says Mike and made his way inside. Mike sat beside her as he explored his eyes around the area with amazement. "Executive suite you got here eh"?..and looked back at directly at her with tantalizing gaze. "Oh, well..yes".. Aom responded shyly. "By the way, my bad, he apologized. I believe I didn't formally introduced myself and swallowed a lump in his throat. I am Mike Piratt..a lousy singer and not so great actor", he says with a playful tone and offered his hand to her. "I'm Aom Sucharat, the clumsy manager", both shake their hands and laughs. "I'm sorry about what I said before, I didn't mean to", she said with an apologetic tone rubbing the edge of her skirt gently while looking down. "It's harm done..ahm' you're the manager right"? he asked. Aom nods and looks at him. "I'm sorry if I'm taking much of your time" as noticed the girl's uneasiness but continues. "I heard you had an accident this morning"? And turned his gaze to her wound on her foot but before she can say something Mike interrupted her, "would you mind if take a look"? He asked attempting to touch her. "No!.. I mean I'm okay Mike, thanks but it's just embarrassing". Mike smiled at her, "fine madam" and pouted his lips jokingly." Silly"..syas Aom and taps him lightly on his shoulders. "Did you see a doctor to check your wound"? he asked wondering. "There's no's just a mild wound..besides, it does not hurt that bad anymore unlike awhile ago..when...she".. Mike noticed her paused suddenly. "Who's she"? He asked smiling at her. "Nothing", she answered. She stands up and went near the glass window and looked back at him. "I'm actually pleased that you seem nice even know"...Mike stand up and went near her stilll smiling like a baby. "If there's anything you need, please..Aom smiled back to him, I mean if anything that I can be of help, don't hesitate to approach me anytime, okay Mr. Mike"?, she asked him. "Mike, just a Mike", he said. "Actually, there's one thing you can do for me". Aom raised her eyebrow with a smile on her lips. "Anything"..she said. "Noted, he said. Ms. Aom Sucharat, if it's too much to ask, will join me for dinner later tonight"? he asked with a hopeful tone. Aom was surprised and looks at him with wonder. "O-okay"...she murmurs. "I'll take that as a yes then", he says excitingly and offered his hand which she accepted and shook them. "See you at the Horizon Rooftop bar? Or just pick you up here instead"? he asked her with his deep but gentle voice. Aom thought of thousands of things that's uncontrollably popping out of her head at the moment. "Is he asking me out? does he like me? do I like him?Okay, he's handsome, and gentleman," she admits in her thoughts. Suddenly she remembered her mama's advice to her played on her mind, "give it a try baby, give yourself a chance to love aand be loved". Okay mama, I will..she sighed. besides this is the right time to ask him his precious signature and whatever... "Aom"??..Mike's voice redeemed her from getting lost in her deep thoughts. "Yes!, that would be just fine"..she said to him as she escorted him intop the doorsway and giggles while she went back into her room.

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