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Concert For A Cause!


Tina woke to the first ray of light through the window. She knew that Aom was by the sea refreshing her mind with cool sea breeze so the she decided to meet Mean. She rang the bell 15 times before the celebrity singer opens up the door mashing her lips together and blinked her eyes to get rid of the blur. Mean smothered a yawn when she noticed Tina was smiling at her as she slugged her way back inside. Tina chuckles and followed her straight back to her room and tossed herself into the queen sized bed, at once sinking into the soft comfort. Tina jumped in beside Mean where she stared down at her for a moment, thinking how could Mike possibly resist someone like her? She's surely gorgeous, talented, smart, independent and benevolent. She gulped when she observed Mean was wearing a loose and stretchy white t-shirt and when she turned she accidentally had a glimpse of her pink bikini. She turned away when she heard her groaned trying to open up her eyes as she smiled broadly up to her. Tina obeyed when Mean gestured to hug her, putting her two soft arms around the tom's neck and squeezed her tightly and lovingly until she could almost feel the warmth of her body pressed against hers. With heart's racing, their eyes met and locked.

"Do I look sexy?" Mean asked teasing her.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"For you I will," Mean replied and both chuckles but she refused to let Tina go. "Did you ask her already?" Mean asked confusingly, seeking the truth behind those attractive eyes.

"Hmm? Not yet... She—she's not. I'm still taking my time actually," She lied making it sound real, their gazes still locked. Somehow Mean was relieved to hear it from Tina knowing the fact that no one owns her yet makes her heart grew 3 sizes that day. With her hands still around the tom's neck, Mean leaned forward while pulling Tina's head down to hers and slowly their lips touched. Tina felt Mean's lips were warm and soft until her tongue was brushing its way into her mouth with so much passion involved. Carried away with the intensity building between them Tina gave in and started to kiss her back slowly. Mean suddenly moved on top of Tina and when she was about to take off her shirt the tom stopped her gently by pulling it back down.

"I—I'm sorry, I can't—"Tina apologized, still catching up her breath.

"No—you don't have to apologize. I'm the one who started it. So stupid," Mean hissed as she chuckles in pain and she lay down beside Tina.

"Are you sure?" Tina asked sounding so concern.

"I'll get by, don't worry. Anyway I have to take a shower first," She got up but Tina followed and faced her.

"I didn't mean to—"

"It's okay Tina," She mumbles. "I'm actually immune with rejections already"

"Mean...I have something to tell you about Aom and—"

"Save it Tina, I have to go back and rehearse with Mike. I'll talk to you there. See you," Mean walked straight towards her bathroom leaving Tina looking down with regret. Mean closed the door as tears spilled from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. After releasing a couple of deep breaths, guilt fluttered through Tina's mind and heart. Confused by her own actions she slapped and told herself how stupid she was for hurting and betraying the two important women in her life.


"Are you okay? You seem pre-occupied," Mike asked Mean.

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