Chapter 17

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Heart-shaped Doll


"Hey!..." The Sucharat family exclaimed in surprise as Nam giggled her way to hug each of them in excitement.

"I've missed you guys so much..." Nam said with an ecstatic expression for finally seeing the people whom she calls her second family. She joined them at breakfast as she laughs, giggles, and talks all the time but her eyes eventually chasing Aom's as if she 's asking something.

"Nam, sweetheart we missed you too though we talks a lot on the phone, we are really grateful you're here."

"I'm sorry Mama for not visiting too soon; I guess my work somehow consumed me in a way." She pouted her lips.

It's okay honey, we understand. I'm still glad you're here." Arnold patted her back gently.

"Oh— you guys are totally making me cry." She jokingly wiped her eyes and they laughed at her.

"Wait you know about the restaurant right? Aom took off that afternoon to meet you. You should have come at least."

Nam immediately turned her gaze to Aom with eyes popped wider stretching her lips to force a smile as it reaches her tightened jaw. "I um.... Yes! I was with her Mama and I'm really sorry... I got caught up with my job that's why I didn't..." She answered after she swallowed the lump on her throat.

"We invited your parents but I guess they were busy on that same day." Arnold smiled at her.

"She was really busy that day, she came for business that's why she came all the way from Pattaya just to hand me reports." Aom lied again smiling at them as convincingly as possible. Deep inside her inner thoughts she hates lying to her parents but she has to do it for the reason that still unclear to her. She looked like she was holding her breath eyes widened as she gently sighed in relief when Nam got the cue.

"Yeah , she's...right! I wanted to go but---"

"Work consumed you, right?" Linda cut her off and the couple laughs not noticing Nam and Aom's uneasiness.

"Unfortunately Mama yes, since the manager left me with loads of work and I somehow regret for being her secretary." Their eyes meet and were set in to a silent argument.

"Alright not-so-grown-up kids, we will leave you two because we have to prepare and race ourselves to the Sucharat restaurant, Aom honey we'll see you both there even just an hour." Arnold demanded.

Aom nodded in response and as soon as her parents gone out of the room she let out a long deep breath feeling the flutter of her stomach while she dragged Nam as they stamped their way up the stairs, and went straight to her bed.

Nam folded her arms and raised one eyebrow. "So..What was that all about? Jees.. Aom you could have atleast texted me before you plan to----"

"I know, I'm sorry for involving you..I'm just really pre-occupied with a lot of things right now---"

"So who was with you then?"

"" Aom stared down struggling to find the right words to say. "I was with..."

"Boss, right? You know the four letter name of a person starting with a capital 'T' that you're currently unable to utter? You were with Tina!" She teased.

"Nam you're not helping." Aom frowned.

"Okay... I'm your best friend for heaven's sake not a mentalist so if you want me to help you out, you should tell me everything."

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