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The news about Mike and Aom has spread fast around Thailand especially on the social media. It was certainly the talk of the town. Some fans giggled with the idea of Mike having a girlfriend but others however were envious of his attention.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel (Singapore)

"What do you think we should do?" Faye asked his husband worriedly while they were having dinner.

"I'm just about tiger," Leon answered in a quite distracted manner. There was a long awkward silence.

"You know Tina's just protecting Aom so she hid their affair," She said as she sipped her wine.

"Don't forget her parents,"

"Of course, that's the main concern, and I can tell that she really loves the girl," Faye added as she sighed deeply.

"Honey we don't actually get involved in Tina's business—"

"I know but this one's different,"

"We're going to wait honey, just let me call somebody..."


Mean was all dressed up and was ready to leave her suite when she heard her phone rang. She let out a deep breath when she noticed it was Mike calling her.

"What the hell Mike?" She grumbled.

"Oh! So you're mad at me now?" He noticed her tone.

"You did it on purpose! How do you expect me to react?"

"Of all people I thought you would understand?" He sounded upset.

"Yeah of all people I thought you're man enough to play fair. And Aom? Mike she's my friend too and now I think you made the situation worse,"

"Meanie they're together already! I saw it and now I'm sorry 'cause I did what I had to do. But I can never let that happen. I'll do anything to make her realize that she belongs to me, to a real guy and not like Tina," He reasoned. There was a long pause. "Meanie? You still there?"

"T—There together?" She mumbles. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"Yeah, unfortunately yes. Wait where are you? Can we talk? I'll pick you—"

"No Mike, not now I—I'll get some rest first. I'll call you, bye."


"Let it go sissy, let it go..." Nam hugged Aom tightly as she handed her a cup of milk.

"Thanks," Aom mumbles under her breath as she wiped her tears away. "You should saw her face Nam. I felt guilty for letting her down—"

"Oh no babe, you didn't let her down. Besides, we didn't even know what he was up to in the first place. You're just caught up with the situation, no, as the matter of fact 'we' were just caught up with the situation. None of these make sense," Nam consoled her.

"I don't know sissy, I never felt like this my whole life," Aom replied, her voice trembled with emotion.

"Love has finally come your way darling," Nam smiled in a comforting way. She ordered Aom to finish up her milk which she obeyed. "I'll finish some of the reports and I'll drop it later okay?"

Aom forced a smile rejoicing secretly how lucky she was having Nam in her life. "Okay" She whispered.

"And as for you, try to get some rest and sleep well if you can," She said as she pulled the covers up for Aom.

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