Chapter 15

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I Believe You!


They blended in the crowd while some girls envied Aom and some guys envied Tina too. Most of the attention were thrown at them since they were perfectly looking couple or at least that's what their aura shows. Tina looked at Aom with eyes that clearly signifies a thousand words on her mind. Tina pulled Aom's hand lightly to guide her to sit down close to one another. Aom was electrified again as their eyes were set on each other like no one else was there, just the two of them. Tina smiled on her lips while Aom stared back at her so intently not taking away their eyes from each other until the sound of the phone ringing snap them back to reality and both looks away in discomfort. Tina leans forward towards Aom who closed her eyes waiting for something to happen until she heard her whispered in her ear.

"I think you should answer it." She whispered.

"Oh, um...yeah..sure..." Aom bit her lips with embarrassment. "Hello Mike?" She answered finally.

Tina turned around raising one eyebrow. "Boyfriend alert."She said with pure sarcasm. The small girl just scowled at her.

Mike: "Hello Aom? Where are you? It's already dark, you've been gone for hours."

Aom: "I'm--I'm out with a friend...I'm going home now, please don't worry..."

Mike: "I'll fetch you, where are you?" He asked with concerned tone.

Aom: "No, I'm fine. I got my car. Just tell Mama and Papa I'm going home, OK?"

Mike: (sighed) Alright, please take care OK?"

Aom: "I will, thanks."

Mike: "I'll see you? Bye...

Aom: "Ok bye."

Just as Aom finished talking to Mike on the phone she saw Tina shaking her hands to the two girls who were introducing themselves to the tom while giggling. Aom turned around in dismay and folded her arms and tried to walk away but Tina suddenly pulled her which resulted her to fall in her arms. Sparks ignites between them as their gazes meet and locked for a moment. Tina's breath was stuck in her throat obviously can't find the words to utter until Aom broke off from the their spur-of-the-moment embrace.

"Oops! sorry?" Tina murmurs.

Aoms wears uncomfortable expression on her face but she was blushing.

"You--you did it on purpose." Aom complains trying to hide her uneasiness.

"You can say that." Tina smirked.

Aom raised an eyebrow but she smiled pouted her lips and turned around.

"We should go home now."

"Wait for me pretty lady." Tina chuckles.

Aom just stared at her shyly and they both walked back around the area silently to where they parked their cars. Aom opened her car door but she heard Tina called out her name and she got out and let out a deep breath.

"What?". She asked annoyed

Tina's face was humorless. "I'm serious about what I said."

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