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In Denial!


It's almost 11: 15 am now and I still can't believe what happened last night. Everything seems to be so vivid. "Ugh!." I stood up by the window facing the view of the sunlight and I touched my lips with my fingers. This can't be, I know this might sound crazy but I need to confront her. I sighed in disbelief. I'm not going to be one of her dolls. "Arrg!." This is really embarrassing that I let her kissed me when I knew myself that she was unquestionably drunk and I was not. I combed my hair with my hand with frustration. She even told me she likes me after that five seconds unexpected kiss. How come I didn't protested when she hold me in her arms so close to her? so close. I stayed there instead but I refused to sleep and I waited until I was sure that she fell into a deep sleep and I took my chance and slowly I eased myself from her arms and put it back on the top of her belly and covered her with her blanket. I stared at her for a moment and I went out to her room smiling. Wait! Was I smiling? no! this is ridiculous!. I can't like you!, not someone like you!. I'm sure as hell that my parents would faint if they'll know about this. This has to stop, I will talk to---. Plak!. The sound of papers slammed on top of her table startled and wakes her from her crazy thoughts. She turned and saw Nam with her arms crossed smiling at her. "Wake up sunshine!, this is all the reports in your files that you asked me to arrange for you." Aom sat down and played with her pen insensibly. "Thanks." She replied with a weak tone. Nam sat down next to her and examined her expression. "So tell me what happened last night?." She asked as Aom looked at her in surprise. "Long story." She answered. "Is there something wrong?." Nam asked with her angled eyebrows. "No--nothing." Aom responded uninterested. Nam poked her head and smiled at her. "Honey, you can lie all you want but I know you more than anybody else here, so spell it out now, let's see is it Mike?". She continued. Aom shakes her head. "You really are my best friend." She smiled cordially. "Nam let me figure something out myself first, and when the right times comes, I promise I'll tell you everything." She asked as if asking for her approval. "Okie dokie madam, I'm just here whenever you're ready." She sighed and winked at her best friend."Anyway, these reports are set and done already, I'll just deliver them to boss if you"---"No, I'll take care of it." Aom interrupted her. Nam chuckles. "Okay sissy, I'll go ahead. Aom smiled at her and nods. "I'll bring this to her right now so we can finally talk." She thought.


I'm sitting in my sofa pressing my stress ball countless times. I went to the clinic earlier after I took a bath and I had them care and checked my wound if there were pieces of crystals left but fortunately there wasn't so i don't have to worry about it instead they gave me pain killers. I can't believe I hurt myself because of her. This is not me. I got up and bit my lips hands on my pocket with my shoulders down. Damn! I was wasted las night but I won't forget that particular feeling when I saw him hugged her. It was like someone squeezed my heart and I couldn"t breathe easy . I sighed. Am I jealous?, no I've never been jealous!, just now. Geeez. I'm losing it. I know for a fact that she won't like me but I'm also aware that she likes him, and why on earth am I still hoping for something impossible to happen?."Arrrg!." I pulled my hair with frustration and I started walking towards the main door. I should talk to her, come what may but I have to know if the truth about them and I opened the door instantly and I saw her there just about to press the door bell with a pile of papers on her right hand surprised to see me.

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