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Suppanad Hotel (conference room)

Everyone gathered inside the conference room. Aom was unprepared of the situation and was trying to pull herself together. She doesn't even know what's happening and what irritates her the most, being the manager indeed, she felt like neglected. Nam arrives and sits beside her. "What is happening exactly"? she asked Nam giving her do-you-anything-about-this-look. "What? Nam asked.. I don't know, they said a very important person just arrived, I was going to ask you, of course, you're the manager". Aom sighed, "that's the point, I really don't have a single idea". "Alright everyone! May I have your attention please"! Ms. Shaya, Suppanad personal secretary at the center of the conference room. "I have an important announcement, everyone were all ears. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Suppand's only child is here to observe and gather relative information's. As expected, I need all of you to coordinate accordingly. Be professional and be nice. All right here she is...let us welcome Tina Suppanad"!... Everyone gives their warm applause as Tina showed up with black suit that fits perfectly that makes her look so handsome and unrecognizable as woman..Some were shocked, some were hypnotised especially girls..and some were amazed by her appearance. "Oh my..! Is this true!? Nam asked Aom in disbelief. The Suppanad hotel heiress and only child is a tom"?! Aom just looks at her, "I don't care"! she replies. So it's true then? Aom asked herself in her thoughts. Pwee! She still can't believe it. "And speaking of tom, Nam continues..she's handsome and hot"...while holding her face with both hands. She giggles..Aom raises her eyebrow. "Let us call our very own Pattaya Suppand Hotel manager, Ms. Aom Sucharat! everyone clapped. Ms. Aom kindly"?..asked Ms. Shaya. Aom didn't hear her because she was busy sinking into her deep thoughts until Nam wakes her gently. "Aom! Ms. Shaya is calling you". "Ha"?! Aom immediately went to the center of the conference room and catches Tina looking at her with a playful smile, winked, pouts her lips reminding Aom about the kiss. Aom almost tripped but she manage to compose herself. Aom please? Ms. Shaya made Aom stand up beside Tina, say something to Tina. Oh Gosh she thought, "Hi Tina! welcome to Pattaya Hotel, I hope you'll enjoy your stay. Please feel at home, and we are help to or assist you with anything you need". She tried her best to hide her hatred over Tina's actions. "Noted ms manager"! Tina replied still wearing that smile that clearly annoyed Aom and grabbed her hand to shake not letting go. Aom started to pull her hand but acts like nothing's happening until she felt something strange hit her emotions, she was electrified that made her blush unconsciously. "See you later boo", whispered Tina and lets her go..The meeting ended but Aom still have her hangover over what happened, "hey! Nam called. Are you okay"? she asked. "I.. i.. guess I am Nam". "You're face is red, are you allergic"? "NO"! silly.. Aom answered smiling. "I need to rest"..and she went to her executive suite..


That girl is something, Tina laughs. As she lie on her bed. I won't forget that face. You should not started this my manager. She thought, hmmm. she's cute. Eh! why am I even thinking about her. Tsk! silly me. Scolds herself..alright I'm hungry, and she dialed room service and requested the manager to come with her lunch which they obeyed. Someone knocks to from her door. "Is that my lunch"? as she opened the door excitedly. "Yes! Your lunch and me, your majesty". Says Aom with sarcasm. "Come inside"..Tina smiled at her. "You're not gonna eat me right"? she asked. "What? Tina asked, silly..not yet"..Aom looks at her reluctantly. Silence occurred between the two of them," so? you're just going to stare at me?? you're not touching your food". Tina breaks the silence. "I'm not hungry, Aom replies. why did you called me here anyway"? "Ahh about that, I... I... Tina trying to find the right words to hide her own intention. I just want to apologize about what happened earlier you know? about the?"...Aom blushed as she remembers the kiss. "Ahh. she nods..that's it"?? "No..give me your reports, for one year of your employment here". Tina defenses.."ah okay.. when"? Aom asked.."the day after tomorrow will be fine". "Okay, says Aom. Anything else"? "One more thing, are you afraid of me?? Tina asked, I'm just curios", "Nope, it's just that I'm.. not really comfortable.. being around with", Aom answered, "A tom"??.., Tina continues.. "yeah, maybe, this is my first time".. "Ahh I see"..Tina answered but something pinches her heart but she hid it and smiled. "You hate us? disgust?..c'mon tell me"...Aom gives Tina a what's-this-all-about-look. "Maybe, I dislike tomboys.. because I think they're players, pretending to be cool". Tina sighed in disbelief, "you shouldn't judge a person because you don't what that's person's going through". "What do you mean"? Aom asked her, "Okay enough of that, you'll come to me tonight. I need to go to a nearest bar". Tina demanded. "Me?! why me? I don't go to a bar..she exaggerates..You have your assistant", she complains, "but I want you! Tina stresses with anger, be ready at 8 pm". "Okay, boss! she that all? boss"?? "Yes, you can go now"..Tina says calmly..before Aom can turn around, "Hey! boo"! Aom gives Tina her death glare..wear nice okay"? Tina smirks.."okay boss"...and got out of the room. "Boo yourself"! . "I heard that", Tina opens the door. "Whatever"! Aom steps into the elevator...


Tina's waiting for Aom. It's already 8:30 and still no show. Tina wears casual gray suit that matches he white trousers and fitted plain black jeans that made more appealing to girls. Everyone at the lobby were giggling to see Tina sitting impatiently, "boss! called Nam. you're handsome as ever". TIna smiled back at her and asked, "where's Aom? is she coming"? she asked irritably. "She's coming in a minute" and suddenly Aom appeared with her attractive black dress, revealing her neck down to her almost chest part, the dress revealed her body's figure, the dress has a cut both revealed her waistline showing her flawless skin as attractive as ever. She was gorgeous and very sexy. Tina swallowed a lump to her chest and everyone giggles, and heard someone said they look good together.. "wow..let's go"?? Tina asked as her eyes examined Aoms body. "Lets"..says Aom coldly..and she reaches Tina's left arm and they drove to SKY BAR which is 7 km's away..


"You look beautiful Aom"...Tina breaks the silence..Aom looks at her curiously. "Are you teasing me"? she asks. "No I'm serious", says Tina while smiling. "You too", Aom replied ..she's even handsome in closer view, Aom thought. My gosh, what am I saying?..ah! wake up Aom. she's a tom. There's no way..but, how come a tom can be this good looking? she asked herself..whatever she wears, its always good on her.."You're silent", Tina breaks the awkwardness. "Yeah, there's nothing much to say" she says. She's really pretty, I almost drop my jaw when I saw her. Gee...this can't be. I can't be attracted to my manager, but..she's just..."We're here! stop"..Aom said. "Ow! Almost forgot". Tina smiled. "Yeah, you're dreaming", Aom answers her back..As they got out of the car, Aom was about to take her first step when Tina suddenly holds her hand together they entered the Sky Bar.

hey guyzzz!!! geee. I plan to make this longer but my neck's starting to hurt so bad. and I'm sleepy, it's already 3:20 am. Don't worry, i'll update as soon as possible ok? be patient with me? so how'smy story so far?? please leave a comment, I would appreciate it if you'll share your thoughts. okay? n:))) it's stressful but I'll keep up. hope you guyz enjoy! thank you for following this story and for subscribing, means a lot. and to you my silent reader. cmon lets comment. hhahaha, give me motivation! :D anyway thank you guyzzz. bye for now. god bless you all! ahh tired..

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