Chapter 22

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Pool Party!


  The next morning Aom was busy checking up her emails and reports while answering multiple phone calls. She released a deep breath as she gently massages the back of her neck. She smiled unconsciously when she remembered the moments that she had with Tina. It was amazingly romantic that made her feel so special for the first time in her conservative life. Suddenly the sound of the phone ringing interrupted her fantasy and quickly she picked it up.  

Aom: "Hello?"

Nam: "Hello Madam. Behold, Ms. Lay is on her way to your office now—"

Aom: "What?! Wait I have my assistant assigned for her job orientation—"

Nam: "Easy honey, she humbly asked for you personally..."

Aom: "Is that so?"

Nam: (chuckles) "Relax okay? I'm sure it's just pure business. I'll catch up later to take over. I have to go sissy, bye—"

Aom swallowed a lump from her throat wondering what to say so she stood up and strolled down towards the main door and waited anxiously. The door bell rang and quickly she reached for the door with a big and unsure smile.

"May I come in?" Lay smiled at her warmly.

"S—Sure...Of course" She mumbles as Lay walked passed her. "Let's go to the business zone Ms. Lay—"

"Oh—call me Lay please, no one's around, besides you're Tina's friend so I guess we're cool too," Lay assured her.

"O—Okay Lay..." Aom answered as they sat down inside her office.

"I don't like formal meetings you know, it eventually bores me. Let's do this like we're going shopping as buddies."

"Yeah sure..." Aom replied with a confused expression.

After an hour of business conversation both released a sigh of relief and giggled to each other.

"Aom? I know you and Tina are together now. She told me you got jealous of me," Aom reluctantly met her gaze, embarrassed she forced a smile to hide her guilt.

"That brat!" She scolded her in her thoughts as she shot Lay a shy glance.

"Hey it's okay...I'm her best friend," Lay slipped her hands to Aom's shoulders assuring her.

"I—I'm just...I'm not used to this---I'm sorry," Aom mumbles.

"That was the past between me and her. Well... More like childish past," She giggles as they smiled to each other cordially. "She can be bratty sometimes, inexpressive and immature," She criticized her that made Aom nod, not sure what to say back. "Friends?" Lay offered a hearty handshake which Aom took with genuine pleasure.

"Friends..." She replied timidly.


Aom sighed as she leaned over and glances to her phone not realizing how many times she had repeatedly did in just one day until she stood upon the window fronting the beach.

"It's almost 4:30 pm and she doesn't show up yet, where on earth is she? Arg! That brat--!" She hissed furiously in her thoughts.

"Ahurm!" Her raging thoughts was intruded by someone who coughed softly from behind. She turned around swiftly and saw Nam grinning as if she knows what she was thinking. "Something's disturbing you my dear?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired—"She grumbles.

"Oh I'm sorry let me rephrase—Is someone disturbing you my dear...?"

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