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Guess Who's Back!


Hmm.I need a fresh air to loosen up my mind. She walks alongside of the beach. It's already 5:35 am and the day is almost visible as she lets her feet be touched by the cold temperature of the sea water. Her negative vibes was easily wiped out by the gentle wind coming from the onshore breeze. I'm going to miss..."Good morning lady boss"!..Aom was startled and opened her eyes wide and and thought she heard a familiar voice and she turned voice. Tina was behind her, smiling like a kid wearing a black shorts, white sleeveless undershirt with striped polo that looks so good to her. "What's good in the morning booss?? really have that attitude of scaring people"? Aom asked calmly because she don't want to ruin her peaceful ritual. "And you my darling have the attitude of violence towards me"? Tina shrugged wearing her charming smile. The short girl wondered why she giggles after she heard the darling part. She looks at the tomboy attentively, a handsome tomboy with attitude, she thought. Tina walks a few steps and stands up beside Aom and together they watched the wonderful view of the sea, and sky as the sun slowly rises. "Beautiful isn't it"? Aom breaks the awkward silence and closed her eyes and felt the wind without realizing that Tina was looking at her as if examining her face with amazement. "Yes...sooo beautiful".. Tina responded while smiling and Aom felt like someone's watching her close and she opened her eyes. ."Uhmm"?..she murmurs. Tina manages to look away before Aom catches her..Ooops! Almost! stop it Tina! ..She scolds herself inher thoughts. "We should go back".. Tina says while scratching her left eyebrow. Aom obeys and when they're about to turn, a young boy swam out of the sea and emerges without a warning and came running to Aoms way. "Awww"!.. Aom complains as she tripped down together with the boy. "Hey kid! watch it"!!! Tina looks angry at the boy who seems terrified of the situation. "I'm.. I'm..sorry lady, my bad"..mutters the boy with his apologetic tone. "It's okay, go now"..Aom replied trying to hide the pain from her face. The boy nods and when the boy was about to stand up Tina was going to say something to him while holding Aom but the petite girl stopped her quickly and put her hand to Tina's mouth. She shakes her head enough for Tina to understand and let the boy run away. Aom realized what she did and pulled back her hand but Tina just winked at her. As a result, Aom accidentally stepped her foot on a sharp pointed sea shell which causes her to bleed enough amount of blood that made the tomboy's expression looks so worried. "'re bleeding, she says with a concern tone. Come on! I'll carry you"... "What?! No! I can walk".. but she stumbles as she tried her best to withstand the pain but it obviously hindered her from taking another step. "You can't right"? Tina's serious expression made the short girl respond to her request. She reluctantly hops in the tomboys back. Don't be stubborn lady, now come on and she started to walk. Luckily Aom was wearing a blue jogging bottoms that helps her to be comfortable in her awkward position.


Damn! this petite girl is heavier than I thought, Tina realized. Okay now I'm confused..Aom thought. I'm definitely intrigued by this sudden change of heart, I didn't thought that at some point, Tina has bright side too...shoot! this feeling again striking me...and without a reason, that certain piece of emotion overpowers the physical pain she felt a while ago. She didn't even realize that they're already at the hotel's lobby as she wakes up from her strange thoughts. "What's your room number"?..Tina asked without dropping her. "Boss what happened"? Nam asked sympathetically, "she's okay people, it was an accident at the beach and got a bruise". Tina assures the staff wondering why she was carrying their manager. "Paul! She called. "Give me the medical kit and bring it to your manager's room right away". "Right away boss"! Paul obeyed. The staff, people who knew them, and those hotel officers who saw them were shocked to see them in that position but most of them mainly girls were giggling and even envied Aom's spot. "Isn't that sweet? They're cute! Our boss is sweet as ever! And handsome! Ms. Aom is lucky you know"! those were just a few phrases that they heard from them but somehow the tiniest piece of Aom's heart feels proud of herself. She wakes up from her deep thoughts when she felt Tina's fingers slowly caressing her skin under her knee. She don't know why she blushed but she whispered into the toms ear. "What are you doing"? Tins looks back and smiled, "you're not paying attention boo,, I'm asking you're room number, I can't carry you forever, be quick now".."four..fourteen eleven" Aom answered..Tina typed in the digits as they were inside the elevator. They're alone inside and luckily no one enters. Aom was curios as her arms loosens her grip on the toms neck. It was late when she realized her awkward position but she can 't help herself to have her sweet revenge. Instantly, Tina felt Aoms breath at the back of her neck that makes her shiver a little bit and she heard her sniffing from behind and it tickles her. "Hey! why are you smelling me"?..almost like a whisper. "What? you're not the only one who has the right to smell people". And both giggles their way out of the elevator.

Uhmm..I smelled a masculine perfume but it's so nice, absolutely not a pain in the nose, its just sweet..addictive... and before she could say a word Tina gently drops her at the side of her bed. "There you go princess".."Boss! here it is"!..says Paul and gave her the medical kit and. "Thank you"! "Anything you need?" Paul asked. "No it's fine" says Tina and Paul left them alone without closing the door. Aom started to feel the pain again as Tina kneels down in front of her without saying a single word. She noticed Aom's pain and so she begins to clean the wound carefully, she coated it with ointment to prevent further infection. While she was doing it, Aom studied her was like a slow-mo scene in a movie. She was starting to be impressed by this tomboys concern for her. That moment right there..she was aware that her heart was beating abnormally..faster the same time. Tina caught her eyes but before they could say something.."ahrrmm"!... somebody was watching them for awhile. It was Nam standing at the doors way smiling like she knows what's going on. "Madam Aom..Mr. Mike Piratt is back and he humbly requested your precious presence, says Nam in a teasing tone. But I told him the incident that happens earlier and he was so worried that he insisted in seeing you personally within an hour to help yourself be prepared...will that be okay? he's waiting for your reply".. "Yes! Nam I'm okay" Aom responded..Tina just smiled, stands up and tapped the short girl's head lightly. "You're going to be okay", she says and made her way out and smiled to Nam timidly. Nam can't stop smiling but Aom didn't say a word but she gave her hostile stare to her instead.

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