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Caught By Surprise!


"Thanks for coming, I appreciate it," Zee smiled at Mean who was smiling warily while unpacking her things inside her bedroom suite. She smiled back at her as she sat at the side of the bed.

"I had second thoughts for coming here—"

"I know, you're not even comfortable being around me—"

"Please don't get me wrong Zee...I'm sorry you know it's my first time being friends with a—"

"A tom? But Tina is an exception..." Zee smiled.

"What do you mean?" She asked almost looking down.

"Come on I'm your friend too, I know you like my buddy," Zee smirked.

"H-how did you know?"

"Eyes don't lie babe," Zee teased her.

"Part of my exceptional talent," She sighed.

"What talent?" Zee asked confusingly.

"I'm very good at falling in love with a person that I will never have," She chuckles.

"Silly, how come—?"

"Believe me; you don't want to know,"

Zee sighed, her expression became thoughtful. "Tina cares about you deeply, I don't know but there's something about you—something's special," Zee observed, sensing her deep thoughts. Mean released a deep breath and her eyes were filled with emotions and she looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I-I'm an orphan Zee... I was adopted since I was 3 years old," Mean mumbles keeping her voice light for 5 seconds but she can't hold on the tears that were starting to stream down from her eyes anymore. "I promised not to cry about this again but it's really—I mean you know—"

"Sshh... its okay, its okay..." Zee wiped her tears away with her own handkerchief while Mean leaned her head into her chest.

"It all happened so fast. I remember so vividly in my head, it was after midnight when I was woken up by an unfamiliar smell and saw my mom laying beside me. I was frightened, we were surrounded by fire, blinded by the smoke as I shook my mom to wake her up but she was unresponsive and that's when I cried so hard. She was killed by smoke inhalation. Someone grabbed me from behind and I turned and saw my father, he—he was coughing blood already. His tears were falling as he covered my mouth with his partially burned hands and body. We went down a couple of times while he took burning debris that was raining over us while making our way outside the house. And then the last one took us down hard, I won't forget the look in his eyes as he tried with all his power to shelter me in his arms while he crawls down. And then with last strength and the last breath he has left, he manages to throw me out of the burning house leaving him and mom inside. The house went down as the fire fully consumed the place I once called home," Mean pulled away from Zee as she wiped her tears leaving the tomboy with shocked expression. "I was sent to an industrial home for orphan and they tried to let me undergo different kinds of counselling sessions and fortunately it worked! One year after that I was adopted by a doctor who treated and loved me like his own. On the contrary, his wife despised me but I didn't care, I was so empty to feel any pain so I fought my space every time," Mean sighed but before she could speak Zee hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry..." She uttered, her eyes were solid.

"No it's okay, just can't help it," Mean replied sounding fine.

"I met Mike at grade school and he was unlikely a bully kid,"


"I kicked his ass that's when we became friends till now," She chuckles.

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