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Meet The Parents!


As if a switch inside Aom was flipped, her confidence disappeared, replaced by tense movements as she slowly pulled herself away from Tina, afraid of how their guests and staff might think of the situation. She was about to get out from the pool when a tall, long haired handsome guy offered his hand which Aom took hesitantly and he pulled her up gently.

"Hi! I'm Waen...You okay Ms--?"

"Aom—my name is Aom," She replied, her voice was barely a whisper.

"Are you okay Aom?" He asked sensing her uneasiness.

"Yes! She's okay—"Tina answered in a sharp tone as she wrapped Aom's upper body with a dry towel. The petite girl saw arrogance in Waen's face and she turned to gaze down at Tina's left hand that was slowly making a fist as a response. Aom opened her mouth to warn the tomboy, but no sound came out until Zee emerged behind Waen together with two tall and husky hotel security officers.

"Everything okay boss?" Zee asked jokingly as she raised an eyebrow to Waen, his expression became cautious.

"No we're cool...We're cool," He responded discreetly as he excused himself to Aom.

"Did I miss something--?" Lay asked as soon as she entered the scene giving the two tomboys a confused look while they raised a high five to each other without realizing Aom walked off already.

"Where is she?" Tina asked Lay with a concerned tone.

"She went inside the hotel and it looks bad...Don't just stand there, follow her!" She urges whom Tina quickly obeyed and then she turned to Zee and gave her 'what-did-you-do' face.

Tina took a quick shower and changed before spending ten minutes outside Aom's suite door before she held it open for her with a sincere expression.

"You left," Tina mumbles.

"What do you expect me to do? Stay and play along with your childish games?" She replied strictly. Tina sighed as she moved close to her and hugs her from behind.

"I'm sorry boo, I just couldn't help it," She replied as she kissed the back of her head.

"Why?" Aom demanded still upset.

"Because that guy was the one watching you for an hour crudely. I even caught him licked his lips while looking at you and I could kill him that moment—I could—"

"And I even caught a girl kissed your neck too, maybe you should quit flirting in front of me," She accused her as she unclasped her embrace around her waist and turned to faced her.

"Babe I was not flirting, those girls were our guests and they knows who I am, I was caught off guard and I didn't meant to—"

"I see...Past acquaintances?" She asked raising one eyebrow while Tina took a deep breath as she held her hands.

"That was the old me, I've changed now because of you, I'm sorry...It won't happen again okay?" She explained as she caressed her chin but Aom didn't respond keeping her head down. "Ba-Ba?"

"Silly," Aom uttered. "I was just worried about earlier; you think they have noticed us?" She asked as she lay her back down into her bed.

"Oh—that? I don't think so babe, they would have thought we're just playing," She assured her as she snuggled beside her.

"You should know how to control your temper next time," Aom sighed deeply while Tina wrapped her arms around her in the most loving and affectionate manner.

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