Chapter 20

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It's a Deal!


The morning was still fresh and warm and as beautiful as the colorful flowers and the small trees that slightly dances through a soft wind circling around the garden area. Birds were chirping as well as the butterflies were flying everywhere not just around the yard but most definitely inside Aom's stomach as she walked towards the patio smiling genuinely to herself. She walked straight to the kitchen where she found her parents and Nam giggling while having their breakfast together.

"Oh! Hi darling...Come here join our sitcom show," Arnold laughs.

"So where did you go?" You left your car," Linda asked curiously.

"I—I was lazy, I took a taxi instead," Aom answered quickly. "I went around town to see some cute stuff that I can buy as a present for my friends back in Pattaya as requested," She added trying to sound casual as possible.

"Oh, this early?" Nam asked and gave her 'who-was-with-you' face. Aom pulled out a chair and sat with them before answering.

"Yes, I figured I had nothing to do so I went," She replied scowling at Nam secretly. Meanwhile Nam purposely stole the attention from her parents and made them laugh at her silly jokes. Aom noticed her phone vibrated and she pulled it out from her pocket immediately and saw Tina's name and her heart skipped a beat when she read her text saying,

'I love you more boo (:-*'

"By the way, Aom, honey how's Mike? I haven't seen him for quite some time," Linda asked that made them looked at her and waited for an answer but obviously Aom didn't hear her instead she continued to smile like a childishly staring blankly at the table. Nam gently kicked her foot under the table to help her came fully back to reality.

"Y—Yes mama!" She uttered in surprise. "He is fine...He is just busy with work I guess," She added, her voice was unsure.

"Did you two fight?" Arnold asked with curios face.

"No papa...We're perfectly fine," She lied in reassuring manner which they all bought except for Nam who was still giving her the skeptical look.


Tina parked her car in the garage and she stepped out of it when she noticed something familiar. It was a dark gray Mercedes Benz 2009 McLaren SLR. 'Don't tell she's here?' She asked herself as she walked nervously inside the house.

"Boss! You're mom and dads are home," John greeted her on the doorway.

"Yeah right, I thought they were on travel."

"It was cancelled, quickly now they're waiting in the living room.

"Thanks," She replied and continued to walk straight to the living room and figured she was right. She sighed when she saw Lay and Mean sitting beside each other giggling and Lay's parents who were busy discussing something with her parents.

"Atlast our Tigre is here," Faye acknowledged her arrival and they all turned their gaze to her as she smiled awkwardly back to them. Tina wondered greatly as she approached them and hugged them one by one.

"Hello Auntie, Uncle, it's nice to see you again."

"Hello dear, it's been a long time," Lay's dad replied smiling back at her.

"Sit down honey," Leon asked gently.

"We're just discussing about business, as you all know we've been friends like forever," They chuckled as he spoke and gently taps the back of Tina.

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