Chapter 18

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Fight Night!


Aom gasped in shock when she heard the familiar voice from behind and for a second she closed her eyes and wished it was not real.

"Aom!" She heard it again this time Tina turned without letting go and so did she. They saw Mike across the street walking towards as Tina felt Aom pulled her hand away quickly. Aom felt her heart sank when she met his gaze wandered over her face, down to the doll she was holding and coming back to her eyes before turning to Tina. The tom secretly swallowed a lump from her throat sensing his confusion.

"What are you two doing here?," He demanded, faint smile touching the corners of his mouth. "Doing business?" He added.

"Y----Yeah... It's was very important so we had to meet." Tina mumbles.

"Hello Mike..." Aom uttered keeping her voice lightly as Mike went near her.

"Hey princess, how are you? I was on my way to your house...Good thing I saw you here," He answered as he quickly glanced at Tina.

"Oh," Aom mumbles. "We're at the restaurant and I'm going home anyway so..I guess I'll see you there?"

"Sure," He answered.

Aom walked around and she put 'Boo-Boo' in her car beside the driver seat while Mike stayed still standing beside Tina.

"You like her," Mike asked, his solemn face roved over Tina's face.


"I thought you like Mean?" Mike grins.

"Ye—Yeah I do but----"They turned when Aom honked the car horn. Tina sighed in relief. "Saved by the bell," She said in her thoughts.

"I hope we can talk soon bro." Mike patted her back gently as Tina nods and smiled at him. Aom rolled down her car window, gentle smile lit up her pretty face as she waved at her and silently uttered the word 'bye'. Tina smiled and waved back to both of them as they drove slowly away from her sight. Tina released a deep breath. "I think I'm going to have a heart attack." She told herself.

Nam glared outside the restaurant when she heard the sound of the car pulled. She was surprised to see Mike with Aom and the doll she was holding. Confused she greeted him warmly and stared at Aom with doubtful expression.

"Hello Mike, nice to see you again Papa," Nam teased him.

"Hi...You look more beautiful," He replied.

"I know right." Nam answered forcing a smile while pinching Aom's back lightly who was beside her pursing her lips.

"Mike?" So you two meet outside?" Arnold greeted him cheerfully. Mike immediately glanced at Aom sensing her uneasiness and back to Arnold.

"Yes, we had a little chat, I missed her so I...bought her a doll for her to remember me always," He lied without looking back at her.

"Ooh, how sweet of you..." Linda agreed. "See Aom? Mike is really thoughtful don't you think?

"Honey more guest are coming we should get back" Arnold reminded her.

"Oh well make yourself comfortable son, Aom take care of Mike please."

Mike chuckles. "Don't worry Auntie I'll be fine thank you,"

"Gotta go to, call me when you need me." Nam winked at Aom and went her way to the kitchen.

"Mind if we talk?" Mike asked, his voice levelled with no hint of humor.

"Sure, let's sit here." Aom mumbles while she placed the doll on top of the table. Mike looked at her as if sensing her thought which made her smile unnaturally.

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