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That familiar feeling strikes me as Tina hold my hand. She thought, arrrg! I felt nervous but I feel good. It's not that I enjoy her holding my hand. I don't know what it is but she was partly thrilled when Tina touches her hand. An intense feeling sparks from the tip of her fingers up to her innocent heart. "Hey"! Tina smiled while she wakes up from her deep thoughts. She didn't even realize that they're already sitting at the VIP lounge. "First time here"?.. Tina asks, "hmmm? no it's my second actually", she smiled back at her.."Ahh.. who was with you"? Tina continued hesitantly, Aom gives gives her a whats-in-it-for-you-look but tried to be calm. "It' s Nam and other staff". "I see", Tina nods,,"hmm boss"? Aom ask. "Yes"? Tina answered. "That incident.. back.. at the hotel"..Aom mumbles, "what about"? Asks Tina curiously but deep inside she was excited. "Were smelling me"?? Aom continues raising her eyebrow. Tina burst into laughter instead of answering her question. "Was that even funny"?! giving the tomboy her death glare. "I just thought you're a ghost, haha"..but at the back on her mind she thought that Aom was an angel that suddenly appeared on her room. "A ghost?! Are you kidding me"?! Aom complains and tapped Tina's shoulders hard. "Hey! you're getting used of hurting me", Tina protested. "Well i thought you smelled nice"..Aom looked at Tina without realizing that she was already blushing. "Whatever"! she exclaims..

"Hi handsome"... a beautiful and sexy woman approached at Tina and hugged her. She's tina's past acquintance. Aom was surprise when the girl kissed in Tina on her lips and Tina kissed her back. Aom looked up and her facial expression shows her discomfort. "Ahurm"! She muttered. Tina noticed her and stopped. Aom smiled at them and gave them what-the-hell-look. "Oh! you're with someone?. I see, your new doll?" The girl asked with sarcasm tone. Aom raisis her eyebrow and said to herself, A doll? me? what does she thinks of me? A living mannequin!? "O no, no, she's my hotel manager, just showing me around. Her name is Aom", "Nice meeting you Aom" and shakes her hand. "Hey T..girls are checking up on you. Come let's dance" and dragged Tina leaving Aom alone imitating the way the girl talks because she was irritated with the whole set up. Ah! This is going to be along night, and crossed her arms. This place is cozy anyway. She finally had the chance to look around her surroundings. Beautiful and hot girls and boys everywhere. Elegant, everyone was busy doing thier own staff, drinking, dancing, courting, and voila! kissing! and stopped herself from looking. Her eyes searches for Tina, she's just been here awhile ago but feels like hours already. Where is the devil? ....there!... Tina were surrounded by hot women, she was sitting beside an attractive girl with one arm on her shoulder. The girl was caressing Tinas chin gently and the tom smiled back at her. Aom was gazing cautiously from a distant view.The girl's face was an inches away from the tom and then...she waited..A guy approached her unexpectedly and offered her to dance but she just glared at him irritably." Do I look like I want to dance"? Now please excuse me!? The guy walked away scratching his head. And when she looked back at them they were already laughing..Acting like playboy huh?.. she thought. That's why I dislike tomboys like her but little did she knows that Tina was secretly glancing at her particularly when that guy came to her, Tina raised her left eyebrow but smiled her lips when Aom rejected him. And then out of nowhere, the short girl was in front of her looking at her direction sharply but speaks calmy, "hmm boss? it's getting late, I hope you don't mind but I have something far more important things to do back at the hotel"...Everyone looked at Aom as if wondering who she was. "Okay..guys I need to go", Tina replied but the girls expressed their disapproval, one girl pulled her, "some other time darling", Tina says, Aom gets out of the bar and waited for Tina with her back leaning beside the car, "flirt"! she says furiously. "Hey boo!..what's with the angry face"? asked Tina. "I'm just tired boooos..can we go home now"? Tina sighed.."okay what's your deal"? she asked smiling like an idiot. "You asked me to accompany you here just to witness you kiss a bunch of girls, and and without even.. knowing their names!"..Aom says with disgust on her face. "Ow! that. Tina chuckes, honey I don't need to know their names, and besides they kissed me! i'm in no position not to return the favor".. "See!? That's the reason I don't like toms like you! players"!..she says with frustation. "Okay now, it's okay..says Tina get inside boo", Aom sighed but when she was abou to the tom pulled her right arm mildly and her lips touches Aoms right ear and whispers, " I'll prove you wrong "... Aom bit her lips as her body freezes as she felt that familiar feeling of sudden intensity which she herself could not understand its cause. "C'mon, says Tina, inside now" and she giggles in her thoughts.


Both were silent. Aom preferred to stare outside the car's window unable to think clearly. What's happening to me? She asked herself. Arrrg! It's nothing!, I'm just tired, and distressed! she tried to convince herself while wiping her face of her handkerchief. Instead of stressing herself with unimportant thoughts, she rather pays her attention and enjoyed the views. Tina gave her furtive glances towards Aom. She has this aura that will surely make men attracted to her without a doubt, she thought. She's the only girl who has the guts to slap me, despise me, despite of knowing who I am, and worst, she's the only girl that made me regret myself being a tom. What?!!! no! what am I thinking?! Tina scolds herself in her thoughts. I am a big catch, girls are crazy over me, I never chase after a girl. I never even do that to Lay (her ex) , I can't possibly like this monster, and gazed at Aom, well..a beautiful monster, and she looked back straight to the road with a smile on her lips. "What are you smiling at"? Aom asked furiously. "Nothing lady boss", she grins as she pulled over the car. "Anyway, thank you, I really appreciate it".. "You're welcome booooss". Aom smiled sarcastically. As if I have a choice, she thought. And both went inside the hotel.

SUPPANAD HOTEL (tina's pov)

It was already 12 am. Tina's first dat at the hotel. She was lying on her bed staring blanky up to the ceiling. I'm tired, she thought. So much things to digest in one day. She looks at her phone and saw a message from his dad.

Mr. Ricky: Hello Tiger! been busy? I hope everything's fine. Please gather every detail you need. Your mom and I expects a lot from you. Thanks for trying, remember that we'll always be here for you. we love you! end of the text. Tina sighed..sweet.. she thought. and replied.

Tina: Welcome dad. I'll do my best..I love you both!

And she felt asleep while holding her phone.

" They were so happy together holding each other's hand. It was snowy as they were dressed occationally and there were tall trees everywhere. She can't see the girls face but she don't mind. As long as she's with her. The girl pulled her and they started running. Tina catches her, hugs her from behind. The girl laughs and faced Tina and they started kissing. I love you... but the girl just smiled at her and pooof! she was gone. Tina searches for her with an extreme fear drawn upon her face coupled with a loud bangin' sound of her heart. evrything turned slightly dark. Where are you?! Answer me?! Tina shouted, panting, as she turns from tree to tree and now she's cold. Rain drops silently. She stopped and heard someone from behind and she turned around. She saw a tall and handsome guy hugging her girlfriend from behind. Sorry Tina.. but..I love him. The girl says and the guy smiled to tina as a sign of triumph.

Whooaa! Tina wakes up from a bad dream. Wow! that was scary and sad. I don't understand, it doesn't make sense, she thought. Shen breathed deeply with exasperation. She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't and decided to get up. It's just 5 in the morning. What am I going to do?..She asked herself.

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