Chapter 19

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I love You Too!


By the time Nam pulled up in front of the house, Aom quickly walked out of the car and stomped her way into the house without uttering a single word.

"Great," Nam protested and followed her inside relieved to know the folks were already resting inside their room otherwise they could have noticed their daughter's sour mood. She found Aom sitting by the window, staring outside into the raindrops falling steadily with a blank expression. She sat across her best friend as if waiting for an explanation.

"What happened? Tell me..."She demanded.

Aom stared back at her and sighed. "I had a few drinks back there." She gasped. "I love my parents you know, they have provided me everything that I need ever since, without question. I can say I'm a grown woman now, 26 but scared as 15. Funny huh?" She chuckles painfully.

"It's not funny sissy, it only means you love them and you respect them. Aom, they love you so much, I'm sure they would totally understand if you will just follow your heart and be happy about it."

Aom stood up as she smiled wryly down to her. "I don't know sis, I just don't want to disappoint them."

Nam hugged Aom quickly. "You will not disappoint them if you will tell them the truth. So which is it? Is it Mike or Tina? What happened out there Aom?" She asked in an eager tone.

"I saw Tina with a girl... She kissed her and they...They hugged and----"

"I get it sweet ling." Nam cut her off with a large grin splitting her face. "You're jealous!"

"Aey! I'm not jealous!" She protested.

"Yes you are."

"She lied to me, that's all."

"You're jealous! Admit it."

"I'm not jealous, I've never been jealous!" Aom denied irritated.

"Believe me you are," Nam convinced her as she gazed up at her best friend grinning wickedly. "Just think about it sis, you reacted as if you're the jealous girlfriend."

"Did I?" Aom asked confusingly.

"It's for you to find out yourself," Nam replied as she got up from bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower, just don't over think things okay? Wrinkles are scary!" She yelled on her way to the bathroom.

Aom lay down in bed with thousands of questions running through her head. "Am I jealous?" She thought herself as she let out a deep breath.


"Dude you're girl is the bomb!," Zee laughs. "Imagine a petite girl with a huge personality? I must say, without question, you've finally found your match. She's a lot prettier in person. Uhm...I'm a little bit intrigued about this monster girl you say."

"Shut up she's mine," Tina claimed as she was gently massaging her hand over the bruise forming from where she hit Mike powerfully.

"I followed you when you ran earlier chasing 'the bomb'. I was just behind you when he pushed you, me and 'the guards' and 'my big boys'(club bouncers) were ready to counter attack but we were more than surprised when you punched him right in front of his pretty face," Zee admired her. "My brother is so inlove!"

Tina looked up to her as she pushed her gently. "I feel bad for Mike, he is a good friend but now he thinks that I betrayed him---"

"Betrayed you mean for falling in love with the same girl?, The greatest love triangle of this generation."

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