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What The heck?!

At Zee's place

Tina's phone suddenly rings playing ("hotline bling by blake")

"Hmm"? She woke up immediately and picked up her phone.

"Hello Dad"?

"Hello Tina? For God's sake, he says with an upset tone. I've been calling you all night. You didn't tell me your home. Where are you"?!

"Jeez Dad" She responded calmly. "Just relax okay? I'm at Zee's. I'm sorry dad I'm going home in an hour I'll just fix myself".

"Okay now tiger, I'm sorry too. You know I'm just worried. Go home now okay"?

Tina tried to calm herself despite of her headaches. "Okay dad see you, bye".

Tina opened up her eyes wide and she got up from her bed wearing boxers and a white shirt and then she heard a girl moaned.

"Uhm..." The girl grins at her in a flirty way.

"Holy!"... She exclaimed in her thoughts as she was looking at the girl lying naked...

"Hello Tiger..." The girl acted like a Tiger seducing Tina to come to bed. The girl was the one kissing Zee last night.

"You're that girl"! She shouted in dismay.

"Uhuh..." The girl replied and smiled triumphantly.

"You're such an animal last night," The girl revealed still sticking her tongue out to her. "No we didn't"? Zee!!!" Tina shouted disappointedly while holding her face with both hands.

They could almost hear the stomping foot as Zee was running fast towards them. "What's that? What's that?" Zee asked panting and poses like a kung fu freak turning around. "Where is it bro?"

"Zee stop already! What did you do?!" Tina throws her death glare.

"Okay now dude, what's the problem? You slept together, and you seem like enjoying it the last I checked?" She explained confusingly.

" Arg! I'm gonna go take a bath. Get rid of her. I'm going home dad called". Tina said still annoyed of the set up and went out of the room leaving Zee chuckling with the girl. Zee jumped into the bed and looked at the girl.

"Hey, nothing happened right? Haha"! Zee asked with curiosity.

"Nothing! She was barely alive when we got here. Haha! It' was hot last night that's why I took my clothes off. You're idea of pranking you're friend paid off this time huh?" The two raised their arms and slapped high fives.

Suppanad Residence

Tina arrived at their house with mixed feelings. She was nervous because she don't know what to expect and of course there will be some interrogations. Tina was able to join her parents having lunch together.

"Hey Prince! Or should I call you tiger"? Her mom gave her where-have-you-been-look.

"Mom I'm sorry ok?"

"Tina!" Faye raises her voice but with a polite manner. "Just for once be responsible," Mr. Suppanad held his wife hand and he continue to speak.

"Tina, we're not getting any younger, and so are you darling. Please just give it a try. Be responsible in whatever you do. You can't be like this forever".

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