Chapter 12

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It's already 10:00 pm and I packed everything that I need tomorrow. I can't believe a lot of things happened in just a week. I never thought that a girl like her has this a potential to make me fall in a very short period of time and it's driving me crazy. There I said it!, I am helplessly falling for her already I don't know why. I sighed as I stood up from my bed and I grabbed the papers she gave me. I sat down into my sofa and reviewed everything until my neck hurts. I evaluated the way she presented every single detail and without question, this crazy sadist girl got skills and she is that smart. I saw a compilation of pictures of employees then and now but I only payed attention to hers. I was amazed to see her thinner, small, insecure with a simple attire and without make up on smiling shyly at the camera. I giggled and asked myself. "How did I fall in love with you.?" I breathed deeply. Wait! so much for this, In wont be able to see her that long, probably not anymore.. so I have to do something. I made up my mind. I will apologize no matter what it takes. I pulled myself together and I hurriedly went and stopped right in front of her door panting nervously. I was about to ring the bell when suddenly the door flung open and saw Nam shocked to see me.

"Boss! yo--you're here?".. Nam asked wondering. Tina wants to jump back to her to her room but she was caught off guard and decided to play along with the situation.

" Aom there?" She replied exploring her eyes.

"Aaaa yeah she's---"

"Nam who's that?" Aom emerged behind Nam upset to see Tina who was smiling awkwardly to her.

"It's boss madam, mind if I go now?". Nam teased her and disappeared to the door. Tina let herself in facing her with angled eyebrows and arms crossed.

"Boss what a pleasant surprise.." Aom said sarcastic. Tina looked down to the floor and sat down guilty.

"You're leaving tomorrow?" She swallowed her guilt and broke the silence lurking between them. Aom was surprise to see Tina's uneasiness and her gentle mood this time that gave her motivation to calm herself down as well. She sat down across her boss and looked at her strangely as if finding the truth behind those adorable eyes.

"Ye-yes,why do you ask?"

"I see, I heard Mike's with you?" She verified.

"Ye-yes." She confirms hesitantly.

"I guess I should go." Tina stood up and smiled warily.

"Ow." She mumbles as she stood up and followed her to the door.

"You should rest now, get enough sleep and Aom...?" Tina murmured as she turned to her and felt her blood's racing. "Please take care ok?". she added waiting for her reply but Aom is unable to utter her words but she nods timidly surprise to hear those words.


That's it?, I can't believe her. I know she's my boss and everything but I deserve an apology. I convinced myself. She didn't even bother to say sorry. I sighed in disbelief but when I walked passed the sofa I saw a piece of paper placed on top of the table so I went back and wondered who it belongs to. I noticed that it was a card so I opened it out of curiousity and saw the words written like this,

"I'm sorry I'm an idiot

from your stupid boss"

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