Chapter 21

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Perfect moment!


Tina was woken up early morning by her phone vibrating beside her, she sluggishly picked it up. A slow smile worked its way across her face and into her eyes when she saw the caller ID and began to talk with excitement in her voice.

Tina: "Hey beautiful, good morning!"

Aom: "Good morning too handsome (chuckles)

Tina: "Excited to go back to work?"

Aom: "Yeah, but a little sad to leave home."

Tina: "Oh, what time will you leave?"

Aom: "Minutes from now, I'm at the garden swing, just savouring the moment of being with these lovely flowers—I'm sorry did I wake you?" She asked as she heard Tina yawned.

Tina: "Yeah...Still in bed, too lazy to get up. Did you have your breakfast already baby?"

Aom: "Yup, uhm get up now lazy bones, go get prepare yourself a breakfast,"

Tina: "Later boss, I didn't get enough sleep—"

Aom: "Why?"

Tina: "Because a girl I kissed last night never left my mind"

Aom: She blushed smiling. "Sure I was the only one you kissed last night?"

Tina: "No silly but you're the first" She said jokingly. There was a pause as Aom pursed her lips. "I'm kidding baby, of course you're the only one I kissed last night, and I will surely kiss again and again and again because you're my girlfriend and I love you."

Aom: The smile came back to her lips again. "I will hold on to that"

Tina: "You should, babe I miss you already"

Aom: "I miss you too, we'll see each other tomorrow right?"

Tina: "Yeah of course," She replied smiling"

Aom: "Boo I have to go now you should get up and grab something to eat okay?"

Tina: "Yes I will boo, thank you. Do me a favour, just please drive safely and call me when you get there okay?"

Aom: "I will baby, I love you," She whispered.

Tina: "What's that again?" She teased.

Aom: She hissed. "Don't make me say it again, I have to go—"

Tina: (laughs) "Just kidding boo...Alright I love you more, bye."


The kitchen was busy, smoky, there were sound of clinking glass, and frying were totally noticeable. Tina with toque on her head came out smiling broadly towards her parents who gave each other's puzzled look.

"Breakfast is ready!" She uttered playfully as she served them plates with foods of different kinds. Her parents tried their best to suppress their confusion, eyes wondered while they observed her.

"Since when did you learn how to cook?" Leon asked with amazed expression.

"Our chef had the patience to assist me," Tina replied.

"Darling I'm proud of you, I actually like the new you, "Faye observed.

"What's the new me mom?" She asked smiling.

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