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First Meeting!


Tok! Tok! Tok! A loud knock on the door suddenly interrupted my sleep. How I wish I was just dreaming but the sound of it irritates me and so I opened my eyes slowly as I searched the door.

"Boss! It's me John, please wake up now." Mr. John (Tina's personal assistant) called out behind my room door. I sluggishly sat up in bed but lay back down again as I gazed up at my alarm clock in dismay. I throw the pillow down when the sound didn't stop.

"Ah!!! This can't be happening!" I hissed.

"Boss! Are you awake now?" John called out again.

"Damn it John...It's just 4 o' clock! What is it?" I asked angrily as I opened the door with both eyes still shut.

"I am so sorry boss, but it's your father, he called a while ago and he said that you must go to Pattaya as early as possible because the hotel is running out of vacant VIP rooms". He explained.

"You mean suites?" I asked confusingly as I scratched my hair.

"Yes boss because they just celebrated their 5th anniversary and so a lot of important people from business and entertainment industry came to join and relax. But luckily one of them unexpectedly checked out already last night, and your father made your reservation strictly for your sake."

"Ahh... I see... Well then I should prepare myself as quickly as possible," I answered as I stifled with yawn.

"Okay boss... Eh boss?" John reluctantly called as I head inside my room.

"What now, John?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Do you want me to prepare breakfast for you"?

"No... Don't bother," I replied. "I'll just eat there". John nods and I slugged back to my room and got myself ready.

'This is the last,' I thought to myself as I sighed deeply. I turned the car audio on that's connected to my phone and I played 'Locked Away' by Adam Levine and I drove my way to Pattaya while I slightly head bang to the music's beat.


The place was quite, some were out to sit and relax beside the sea, some went to swim, some waited to witness the sunrise but as expected, most of them were still resting in their respective rooms. Tina arrived unannounced but those people who have worked in this certain hotel immediately noticed her presence with surprise but Tina cooled them down and gestured them to be quite and told them about their meeting early in the afternoon.

"Where is your manager"? Tina asked the hotel's receptionist (girl) who blushed and answered her in a nervous tone.

"She is... She is at the beach...Mr—Ms?" The girl stuttered, unable to come up with words because of the handsome creature that's right in front of her.

Tina raised her eyebrow and went to her as close as she could. "It's boss... Call me boss..." Tina winked at the girl who was smiling big while gigling. "All right everyone! I'm not here to eat you guys, just relax; I'm here for business purposes, and hey! Your manager?" She called the receptionist, who's looking at her still smiling up to her ears.

"Oh! Y-Yes boss?"The girl wakes up from dreaming. "She's always like that boss, I mean our manager. She's always out there by the sea at this hour, part of her ritual, admiring the place, I guess it's her only way for keeping herself escape for missing her family back home. Despite of two years in the business," The girl informed.

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