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Drunk In Love!


Mean was fairly trying to stop Tina from getting drunk because she can already see that the tomboy is losing her balance while she walks, dance to girls who obviously flirts with her, and finally she sat beside her. Still Tina resisted her advice and told her that she's okay and there's nothing to worry about but she thanked her anyway for showing genuine concern over her. She got up assuring Mean that it would be her last glass of Martini because she realized that she had been drinking different kinds of liquor for an hour so she winked at her which obviously made the girl smile and nod for approval. Tina went near the bartender and signaled him as she tried to fight her dizziness and poured another drink. She immediately drank half of her martini and her eyes searches for Aom and decided to walk from where she left her. She's more confident now she thinks because eventually her timidness were melted by the alcohol who's corrupting her system straightaway. Then she found her with Mike and she stopped walking eight steps behind them. She wants to walk away but her legs were paralyzed, she wants to look away but her eyes were locked and she just stood there watching them oddly while she wondered why a certain situation could turned her to stone preventing her to move a single muscle. Mike was holding Aom's shoulders they're talking eyes to eyes near to each other and so soon he hugged her. Tina has thoughtlessly been gripping her martini glass hard enough that it crushes in her bare grasp creating a noise that catches attention from several people near her. Momentarily, she was stupefied but she was aware of the blood dripping down from her hand that got deeply cut on the shards.

"Oh my gosh Tina are you okay?!." Mean hurriedly went to her side and called for assistance to clean the broken glass fragments. "You're bleeding!." Mean said with sympathetical tone. "What happened?!". Aom and Mike asked with a shock expression. Aom widened her eyes when she saw Tina's blood and called her from her deep thoughts. "Tina!, what happened?!." She asked. Tina looked around and to them puzzled and turned her gaze to her wound. She grips her palm and smiled at them. "I'm okay, this-- this is nothing." She reasoned. "Dude that is not nothing, come let us help you". Mike offered. "Thanks dude but I'm okay, excuse me--." She forced a smile and started walking while her other hand searches every hard object to support her. "Stupid!". Aom scolded her in her thoughts. "I'll check on her, just wait here". She said to them and followed Tina to the comfort room.

Meanwhile Tina lightheadedly washed her wound and her face as she struggled to compose herself and then Aom was there. "You drowned yourself with liquor and look what happened?". She approached her and checked her wound while Tina just give her crabby stare with her face reddened and glossy eyes. "Let's go to the clinic, they will take"--. "Get out, I don't need your help." Tina interrupted her. Aom was surprised but she calmed herself. "What is wrong with you? drunk?, let me help you." She insisted. "No!, just go back to your boyfriend, I said I'm okay, why do you care?." She chuckles sarcastically. Aom's rage flared up instantly but she swallowed her upset and noticed Tina rushed herself quickly to one of the toilet bowl and throwed up liquids. Aom followed and patted her gently on her back but Tina pushed her carelessly that she fell down hard. She was shocked and unable to find words from her mouth but when Tina turned and saw her condition the tomboy came to her without delay and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I' sorry, I didn't mean to." Tina said with her most apologetic tone and slowly helped her stand up without letting her go. Aom was sure that she want to push her too, she want to slap her hard because she was mad of her and she want to curse her but that hug melted away her rage and comforted her in a strange way she doesn't understand. "I'm-- I'm okay, but please don't be such a spoiled brat and let me help you." She pleaded calmly and Tina finally unclasped her arms around Aom's neck and looked straight into her eyes and smiled. "O--okay." She replied. "Can you walk?." Aom asked. Yes, but I need assistance, cause earth's been shaky." Tina responded with intoxicated tone. Aom fixed Tina's wound and wrapped it with her handkerchief still bleeding and put her left arm on her shoulder to support her and made their way out. "Hey! let me help please?". Mike offered and assisted Tina instead while Mean looked with worried face. "Now where's our master's bedroom?." He asked playfully. "Follow me please." Aom replied. "I guess I won't be much of help, is that okay if I'll just go to my room, uhm, Tina will be okay right?". She asked. "She will be fine, okay, we'll just settle her to sleep, good night Meanie."..He winked at her smiling. "Okay good night Mickey." Mean smiled and turned to Aom. "Good night Aom." "Good night too, thanks." Mean nods and went her way to the elevator. Tina kept her eyes closed with a little consciousness left in her being and they finally reached her suite and Mike put her to bed with intense care. "So?, this has been a long night huh?, Mike asked Aom. "Yeah, but thanks for helping though, I appreciate it." She smiled. "Aom--- can I-- have your number?." He asked. "Uhm?, Su--sure, I'll just type it." Mike handed his phone. "Aom-- I was serious about what I said to you at the bar, please give me a chance." He looked at her with a solid expression drawn all over his face. Aom slowly smiled at him. "I--I will." She muttered. "Thanks, I really appreciate it, thanks really." He said with hope in his voice and she smiled bashfully. "I think you should rest now." He convinced her. "I'll be fine, I'll take care of her wound first and I'll go." "Okay, I'll go now, good night Aom." He said. "Okay, good night." She replied.

Aom went back to Tina's bed with first aid medical kit on her hands. Gently, she unwrapped her handkerchief around the tomboy's wounded right hand. She was glad the bleeding stopped and she disinfects it with alcohol and covered it with bandages. She stared at her wondering why Tina had acted like she was mad about something. "Is she always like that?." She asked herself. "Gosh this brat is even cutier when sleeping." She thought. "Ugh! what am I thinking?." She criticized herself and sighed. "I should go now". She grasped but when she was about to stand up something grabbed her right arm that causes her to fall close to Tina. Her face was an inch away from hers and she heard her mumbled. "Please stay with me, don't go." Almost pleading with eyes still shut. Aom was surprised and confused as well because she couldn't tell Tina was only dreaming as tried to release herself from her grip but she won't let her go. "Come here boo." Tina pulled her closer instead with her head resting on her chest. "Oh my Gosh!, what's happening? what am I going to do?." She swallowed a lump on her throat. "Ti--Tina, are you awake?." She mutters and when she looked up she was dazed to see Tina's eyes meeting hers. Suddenly, that familiar feeling again hit her like she can hear her heartbeat's raising uncontrollably. Her muscles withering with a strange delightful way. She doesn't even know where this sudden intense sensation and emotion coming from but a single space in her heart knows exactly one thing, she likes it. Slowly, Tina leans forward to her not blinking. Aom wants to run away but she can't move instead she just stared at her waiting for something to happen until she can hear her breath and she closed her eyes and felt Tina's lips touching hers smoothly. She wants to fight it but the kiss made her weaker. "Is she kissing me?, good heavens she's kissing me!". She thought as she felt thousands sensations running up and down her spine like butterflies. "What's happening to me?." She asked herself while Tina withdraws and both opened their eyes and she kissed her on her forehead and whispered. "I like you, please stay here." She said and wrapped Aom around her arms and closed her eyes again and fall to sleep. "Wa--Was that for real?" She kept on asking herself because her mind is full of confusion and she's unable to think right. She's stunned and shocked after she's able to digest everything that happened but instead of leaving she stayed and obeyed her boss's order with a little agitation.

"Uhmm. Tina mumbles and got up quickly wondering how she ended up in her bed and holds her head in pain. "Hang over". She thought and noticed pain coming from her right hand and saw a the bondage around it with a blood stained. "What is this?, why do I have this?." She asked herself fearfully. "Oh come on Tina! think! think!. And then memories flashes on her mind and saw herself holding and breaking the martini glass because of what she saw and the sound of broken glass interrupted her thoughts. That was all she can remember from last night and that was all she can recall. She stared at her wound, examined it and squeezed it sorely with her jaw tight. She turned and saw a handkerchief stained with blood everywhere. She grabs it and wondered who it belong to and smelled a familiar scent coming it and from her bed and her eyes widened. She smelled it again and again and noticed her suit jacket smelled the same."Aom?." She murmurs. "It can't be her!, no way no!. She continued to mock herself nervously and swallowed her pride. "Did I do something stupid? oh no wait! I have to breath." She exhales deeply and wondered. "What was she doing in my bed?."

hey, how are you? hehe it seems that I had few feedback from you guys, meaning I'm doing bad? haha please let me know, I have to know what's on your mind. I need a little motivation. But you know like I said I'll finish my story no matter what. For those who commented thank you! And for my few followers this is for you guys, thank you :))) bear with my faults please. The images i post is just for justification of every scene, if it talks about aomike i'll post their pic together but if it's more on tinaom of course i'll post theirs, understand?. hehe it's okay! don't be mad. God bless you.

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