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~Sadies POV~

I look at Jenny and Ronaldo and I remember how we saw them in 10 years.

I wonder if they know what's coming.

"What can I get for you two...?" I ask happily, and Jenny opens her mouth to speak, but Ronaldo says.

"I'd like a-" Then he notices he interrupted Jenny, and his blush deepens. "Oh- I-I'm sorry!" As they try to convince the other to order first I hear Lars chuckle, and I elbow his side, and he shuts up. We both watch as they talk to each other, completely forgetting where they were.

I miss that...

I can't remember the last time me and Lars did that...

I grab Lars hands from under the table, and I squeeze it tight. He does the same, and I smile up at him.

There's the Lars I love...

 After a few minutes of them trying to order, they finally get their doughnuts. They pay, and start to leave.

"They don't seem all that cute to me..." Lars comments softly, but we watch as a seagull attacks Ronaldo, and Jenny watches in shock. The seagull gets Ronaldo's doughnut and flies off. He throws the paper it came in, to the floor in anger. Suddenly, Jenny touches his shoulder and they lock eyes once more. Jenny then takes her doughnut and splits it in two, and hands half of it to Ronaldo. They both blush at each other, but laugh it off; and he takes it happily. Lars puffs out some air. 

"What?" I ask as they walk off together. "Whats 'pff' mean?" He shrugs and leans against the glass container.

"I can't believe Jenny pulled a stupid move like that..."

"Well what would you do then, Lars?" He goes silent, then rolls his eyes.

"I dunno..." He can't think of anything, and I start to giggle. "shut up." I nudge him jokingly, but he shrugs me off.

"You know, I hate this Lars." He looks down at me with that glare of his; but honestly, I love that glare.

"This Lars always shrugs me off, and makes me feel small!" I let out a sigh, and prop my head on the counter. "I mean, I know why you do this, but I just don't like how it makes me feel." Suddenly, I feel his arms wrap around my waist, cuddling me close.

"I'm sorry-"

"No." I say. "You're not."

"I love you...I'm sorry, I really am. I'll stop shrugging you off..." He says. I feel like he just put a bandaid on an opened scar.

He kisses my cheek, "I love you." he says, and I know he won't stop till I say it back.

"I love you too." 


I feel nothing...

Suddenly, the door opens again, and Steven walks through. He wears a big birthday party hat and he wears a cute grin.

"Guess what!?" He says.

"What?" I say, getting out of Lars arms.

"I'm turning 14! It's ma birthday tomorrow!!" I smile and get out a fresh doughnut.

"Why are you telling us this now?" Lars scoffs. "Your birthday is tomorrow...."

Steven shrugs. "I dunno. I wasn't gonna tell you guys, but I need more Larsadie photos for my book!" I turn around and hold out his favorite kind of doughnut and his eyes turn into diamonds.

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