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*Rosie* updated

I shot up in my bed, awakening from a peaceful sleep once I heard the familiar sound of glass being broken. I quickly got up and maneuvered my way into my bathroom, desperate to escape the impending danger awaiting in some corridor of the large castle. This same thing has happened three times this week already. For a reason unknown, there has been somebody out to kill me for quite some time now. This said person has hired bounty hunters, assassins, and even my own people to conspire against me, they're princess.

I squeezed my body into the hiding spot we had built in my bathroom which was a hidden cabinet which happened to be the perfect size for me. I stayed there and waited anxiously for my dad, the king of Naboo, to come knocking on my bathroom door letting me know if everything was clear. My parents and I have this whole procedure planned out due to the fact that this same situation has been a recurring occurrence; unfortunately.

I nervously let my mind wander for the time I sat in the tiny space, trying to both soothe myself and psych myself out all in one. My body stiffened when a loud knock sounded on the door but immediately relaxed when the sound of my fathers voice boomed from the other side. A thankful sigh of relief left my mouth as I scurried out of the cabinet and opened the door to a warm embrace by my father. I buried my head in his chest as I squeezed him tightly, desperately needing the comfort and warmth of my own blood. He sighed, rubbing my back comfortingly before speaking.

"We must discuss something very important. I reached out to Coruscant to talk to your sister, Padme, about what has been happening and she has thankfully offered a solution. You will stay there with her for however long you both need until you return here together with the protection of two Jedi knights by your side. Unfortunately Padme has been going through the same thing you have over there and I can not bare the thought of loosing one let alone both of my daughters. The jedi's are being very kind offering their services to help you two. Be thankful."

My jaw locked instinctively. Talking about leaving the security of my own home shook me to the core especially with the times at hand. The only thing good about going to Coruscant was getting to see my sister. I missed her so much. The last time I saw her I was seven years old and bidding her farewell.

"I will make sure to thank the Jedi's humbly when I see them for their service and kindness. Their mere presence should scare any assassin or bounty hunter away. As for Padme, I do hope she is ok. I would rather have something happen to me than her, she is my only sister after all." I spoke truthfully.

"Padme is a very strong girl and so are you. That is why you both have survived the numerous attacks. I'm very thankful that neither of you have been hurt and would like to keep it that way which is why I agreed to the use of the Jedi. I suggest you go pack your things considering me and your mother agreed to begin right away. You leave for Coruscant tomorrow. As for tonight, we will have entire squad guarding all access points to your room for the time being. Juliette will be stationed in the room as a last resort and to help with the packing. Now I must go get some rest, my head is spinning with concern for both my daughters. The events of tonight will make it very hard for your old man to get some rest," he joked making me smile softly. "Goodnight my princess" He said and kissed my head then walked back to his room. My mother peered around the corner and sent me a smile as she clutched onto the robe that covered her body. I smiled back and waved as she blew my kiss. From around the same corner the most annoying of workers stormed in, wearing an annoyed scowl across her features.

I sighed and gestured into my room allowing her to go in first or of curtesy. She remained silent and simply reached up and grabbed my overly large suitcase. "How many dresses should I pack, your majesty?" She practically sneered. I swallowed stiffly and considered her question.

"I believe packing four should be fine thank you. I would also like to pack five crowns and my matching jewelry. Thank you for your help, Juliette." I softly ordered, making sure to thank the bitter girl in the end.

"Of course. Anything to serve the royal princess." She scoffed disappearing into my closet. She walked out with a rack of dresses and gestured to them. "Pick the four you would like."

I walked over and took four of the many gowns, picking those I felt fit enough to meet people of the senate as well of the Jedi council. After she carefully packed those gowns away I pulled out five of my favorite crowns and handed them over to her, followed by some nice earrings and necklaces.

"Is that all?" She asked, I could see the annoyance and desperation hidden in her eyes.

"Yes, thank you for helping me." I tried to ease the tension. The reason this girl doesn't like me is unknown.

"Of course" she grinned fakely, gripping the sides of her gown and lifting them up in a curtsy. I clenched my jaw and nodded at her gesture.

"You may leave."


I approached the Jedi council room, determined to get my way not only for me but for my younger sister. The council, and everybody else in Coruscant, are well aware of the dangers I face but everyone is completely blind to the ones my own sister face just as much.

"Senator Amidala, what is the problem you wish to discuss with us?" Master Windu asked as I opened the door and walked in confidently.

"As you all know someone has been trying to kill me. Well this night I have heard of something awful going on back on Naboo regarding my own sister. My father has reached out to me to inform me of the same threat and danger these unknown forces have bestowed upon both me and my sister. Princess Rosie Amidala, my younger sister, is in grave danger and has just barely managed to escape numerous assassination attempts. I as her older sister believe is my responsibility to ensure her safety whether she is with me or not. I propose the idea of Jedi protection for both me and my sister. Naboo has done a great deal to help the Jedi in the senate and I feel this is the perfect way to repay us for our help." I explained my proposition to the Jedi masters in front of me, desperately trying to mask my apprehensiveness.

"A wonderful idea, that is. One Jedi and one Padawan shall accompany you" Master Yoda said.

"Thank you. May I ask who they will be?"

"Master obi-wan kenobi and Anakin skywalker" said Master Windu. The names immediately brought a warmth in my heart thinking back to the young boy only a couple years older than my sister and the friendly Jedi master.

"Thank you for your support and kindness. My family and Naboo will continue to show our gratitude and gratefulness towards you for this kind gesture." I said then bowed my head and exited; prepared to go back to my room and get some rest for when I will finally be reunited with my sister once again.

An: First edited and updated chapter! I hope you enjoy and let me know if this is an improvement or not, your feedback is incredibly important to me.

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