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It was really late and I was exhausted. Anakin still didn't come back so I decided to put on a pair of the leggings Lydia gave me and I took a plain black tee shirt from Anakin's drawers. I hope he won't mind.

After I was dressed in my 'pajamas' I unbraided my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I walked into the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom and dug through the drawers to find a toothbrush. Thankfully I found one. I opened it up and borrowed some toothpaste and brushed my teeth.

When I was finished getting ready for bed I looked at the time and saw it was really late, almost early morning. Anakin wasn't coming back tonight. I had a feeling he slept somewhere else so I pulled the covers back and laid down sighing heavily. I started to feel myself slowly drift off. At first I tried fighting it but eventually, sleep took over me.

The next morning I woke up and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. I was still in the same room and there was still no Anakin. I rolled my eyes and peeled myself out of the comfortable bed. Before I went to search for Anakin I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair out of the ponytail and French braided it down my back but then flung it over my shoulder. I left on the leggings I had on and pulled a black, very light, zip up type shirt over my head. Lydia also lent me some undergarments so I had on a black sports bra underneath the zip up. It was a lot of black but that was all she had. She gave me a pair of flats and some sneakers so I laced up the sneakers and was ready for the day.

I nervously walked towards the door and opened it slightly. I peered around to see the hall ways completely empty. I tilted my head in confusion and slid through the open slot in the door way. I quietly closed the door behind me and started to go down the hallway. Where is everybody?

Every single hallway I passed was empty. I started to feel like I was the only one here until I heard the sound of a ship coming from somewhere behind me. Quickly I turned around and tried to follow where the sound was coming from. The sound took me all the way around the ship until I was in front of the main hangars entrance. I pressed myself up against the wall and looked inside. Found everyone.

Inside there was every storm trooper on this ship lined up, split like when I first came on, standing in attention. All the pilots, admirals, commanders, captains, etc. we're all lined up next to them as well. Anakin stood at the very end of this all, standing and looking very tense.

The door to the ship opened and all the imperial guards in their red uniforms started to walk out. They stood I front of the entrance of the ship and waited. A figure wearing a dark cloak with the hood on slowly walked out. I saw Anakin begin to make his way through the aisle and when he was in front of the figure he dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

"Hello master" he said. I felt my jaw drop. The emperor really was here.

"Hello Lord Vader. How are things going on the ship?" The emperor asked as Anakin stood up and they began walking down the aisle.

"Very good. They have made great progress since yesterday and I feel the ship will be done on schedule" Anakin replied.

"Very good. I must speak to you. Come to my chamber when you are ready. We must discuss something very important." The emperor said slowly.

"Of course master" Anakin said nodding his head. He then turned and began to walk in my direction. I gasped and turned and started to run back to the room. There was a slight problem, I had no idea where I was. I let out a sigh and stopped in the hall way.

"What are you doing out here?" He said glaring at me.

"I was going to go find you or anyone really because I didn't see anyone at all until I found this place" I said crossing my arms and looking up at him. He continued to glare at me.

"You shouldn't be out here. I didn't say you could leave the room. I'm taking you back and your not going to move do you understand?" He said in a threatening tone.

"I didn't eat anything though" I said, I realized I probably should stop. He was getting angrier each second I knew what he was capable of.

"I will send someone to bring you food. I'm sure you were eavesdropping on that whole thing so you know I have to go somewhere after I take you back to the room. Stay this this time" he snapped then grabbed my arm and dragged me through the halls to the room. Someone is in a bad mood obviously.

"Will you let go of my arm your hurting me" I said stopping and trying to pull my arm away. He didn't let go but instead gripped harder and continued to drag me. When we reached the room he finally let go. I rolled up my sleeve and saw my arm was all red and I winced in pain when I touched it. I looked up and glared at Anakin in anger, he promised me.

"Now, stay here and do not move" he growled and left slamming the door. What happened from yesterday when he was being all sweet and now he's... This.


I was sick of people telling me to change. I'm never enough for anyone. That's why I'm so mad at Rosie. I'm also mad at myself for wanting to drop everything I had here and run away with Rosie and that's why I'm being so mean to her. I need to stay here and get her out of my head.

I stormed through the halls and reached my masters room. I knocked letting him know I was here and walked in. He was sitting in his chair looking out of the large window. He turned around and faced me.

"Glad your here. Now I need to discuss something with you. I here Rosie is with us?" He said.

"Yes she is but do not worry she will not make me soft" I said. I could feel more anger rising inside of me thinking about how she is turning me soft.

"Very good. To ensure that I'm having guards take her to a cell. She will not be hurt but she will be a prisoner for now on so that you aren't tempted by her to leave for the light side" My master said grinning Evily. A prisoner? I don't know if I like that but I have to obey and maybe it's what's best for now.

"Good idea master. I will not have Rosie try to change me" I said to him. He grinned even more deeply then nodded.

"Thank you. Now, next thing we need to do is find your son Luke Skywalker to join us." He said smirking.

"Of course master. I will find him and bring him to you"

"Thank you. You may go my apprentice" he said. I bowed my head and left the room. The first thing I would've done was to run and let Rosie out of prison but instead, I went to the control room to locate Luke. I will not change.

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