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The ride to cloud city was bumpy and felt like one of the longest trips ever. It took a week to reach there at the speed we were going, not too mention on a broken engine. I was scared we would loose power the whole time.

My anxiety calmed down a little when we landed in the main hangar on cloud city. We all walked out, allowing Han to lead the way. I was slightly embarrassed as I looked I presentable in the same dress I had on from Hoth and my hair was a mess. We saw someone walk up to the ship who didn't look very happy. This better not be Han's friend that will supposedly help us out.

Han walked up to the guy with open arms. "Lando! Great to see you!" The guy looked unamused.

"Han Solo. You slimy, double crossing, no good swindler. You've got a lot of guts coming here after what you pulled." He spoke with a slight tension in his voice; he sounded mad. He then proceeded to move forward and act as though he will punch Han- making us all flinch- but then hugged him and began laughing. "How have you been you old pirate?" He said laughing still.

I stood there stunned. I was very confused. "Well he seems very friendly" I heard c3po say.

"Yes, very friendly" Leia said beginning to walk over. We all followed behind her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked smiling.

"I need help with the ship, maybe it needs some fuel or something but do you think someone can fix her up for me" Han asked this Lando guy.

"What did you to my ship" Lando asked.

"Your ship? I won her from you fair and square." Han laughed. Lando also laughed then looked to see us standing behind Han.

"And how you been Chewbacca, still hanging around with this loser." He said to Chewbacca before he looked over and saw me and Leia. "And hello,what have we here? I'm Lando Calrissian, welcome to cloud city. I'm the administrator of this facility, and who might you lovely ladies be?" He smirked walking up to us with an outstretched hand.

"I'm Princess Leia Organa." Leia smiled confidently.

"Welcome Leia" he leaned down and kissed her hand then walked over to me. "And how about you?"

"I'm Rosie Sk- Amidala" I introduced, flashing a fake smile. For a second something flashed in his eyes but it disappeared and he kissed my hand as well.

"Welcome Rosie" he smiled, although it seemed to be more forced. I frowned but didn't say anything as he lead us out of the hangar into a room where me and Leia could "freshen up" while him and his crew go fix the Falcon.

"You guys can do what you need to do, I'm going to help Lando" Han said throwing mine and Leona's things in the room. Him, threepio, and Chewbacca all walked out together to go help after that.

I slipped on creme colored dress that had a purple robe-like outer layer that clung to my upper body and puffed out around my legs. I managed to tame some of my hair by putting it into a braid in the back of my head, pulling out a couple pieces to make t look better. Once I finished I turned to Leia who was already done by now and pacing the room. She had on an orange long sleeve shirt, a white long vest/cardigan, some leggings and boots. I furrowed my eyebrows at her hair seeing as it was intricately done and I simply braided mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked, running my hands down my dress.

"I just get a bad feeling around this place" she told me, shaking her head.

"Maybe your just nervous or unsure of something" I suggested just as Han walked in.

"The ships almost finished two or three more things and were in great shape" Han said as he walked in. Leia turned and walked over to him.

"The sooner the better. Something's wrong here, no one has seen or heard anything about threepio. He's been gone too long to have gotten lost" she exclaimed in frustration. Han grabbed her shoulders and kissed her forehead gently.

"Relax, I'll talk to Lando. See what I can find out" he said.

"I don't trust Lando" Leia sighed sitting down.

"Well, I don't trust him either but he is my friend. Besides, we will soon be gone." Han reasoned.

"And then your as good as gone aren't you?" She asked him. My heart nearly burst at the thought of having to watch my daughter go through something similar to what I did, of course, not nearly as traumatizing.

He didn't say a word. He just looked down and looked back up to meet her eyes. Perfectly timed. Chewie walked in freaking out and holding a bin filled with C-threepio's parts. I gasped and ran over in shock.

"What happened?" I asked him. He began speaking in his language which, unfortunately, I didn't understand.

"Found him where? He found him in a junk pile" Han answered as he conversed with Chewbacca easily.

"Oh what a mess, Chewie you think you can repair him?" Leia asked. Chewbacca shrugged.

"Well, Lando has got people that can fix him" Han said.

"No thanks" I chuckled dryly, sitting down.

"Sorry am I interrupting anything" Lando spoke as he walked into the room.

"not really" Leia stated, turning around and smoothing out her shirt. He smiled at her.

"You look absolutely beautiful. And so do you Rosie"he said looking at us both. I glanced at Han and saw how he looked like he was going to throw up. "You both truly look like you belong with us here...among the clouds"

"Thank you" I answered for us both. He walked over to me and held out a hand. I hesitantly accepted, ignoring the uneasiness I got from him.

"Would you join us for a little refreshments?" He asked. "Everyone's invited of course. Are you having trouble with your droid?" He asked pointing to Chewbacca.

"No, no problem why" Han said grabbing me and Leia and pulling us away. I glanced at him curiously but said nothing as we began walking out. Lando went into the front and began small talk about how the operation started in the first place. Eventually, he started talking about the empire and how they don't know about it here on cloud city. That made me feel a little better about it here. We finally made it to our destination as he stopped walking once we reached a specific door.

"I have just made a deal that will ensure the empire will never bother us or know about us forever. We will be safe" his whole demeanor changed as he said this, now sounding serious and almost nervous. We all looked at each other, all noticing the switch.

What happened next blew me away as the door slid open. It felt like slow motion as I glanced up only to meet the familiar icy blue eyes of my husband. I gasped and stumbled backwards, my vision going blurry as I felt like I was about to faint. Everything was a jumbled mess as Han took out his blaster ready to shoot when it was stripped away from his hands.

"We would be honored if you would join us" Anakin spoke with a smirk as he crushed the blaster using his powers. Boba Fett appeared beside him, making my head spin even more than it already was. Storm troopers showed up behind us and shoved us all inside before the door shut, trapping us in the room with Anakin.

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