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We ran- me carrying Obi Wan on my back- back to the elevator. I pulled the com link out of my holster and tried communicating with R2. "Activate elevator 3224." I spoke into the comlink. All of a sudden the ship shook and began to tilt. I quickly gripped on to the door frame as the ship was beginning to tilt completely horizontal. "We can't wait, come on. We have to be fast." I told the chancellor. We climbed into the elevator shaft and began sprinting down it, me with Obi Wan still hanging on my back.

As we continued running, we felt the ship start to turn back again. I grabbed on to something just as the ship leveled back out. The chancellor grabbed onto my leg and hung on for dear life.

We were hanging inside the elevator shaft when Obi Wan awoke. He fluttered his eyes open, seeing that we were dangling inside and elevator shaft depending on the strength in my arms. He started moving around, trying to get a better grip.

"Easy were kind of in a situation" I snapped, feeling my hands slip a little.

"Did I miss something?" He asked confused. I looked up, groaning as I saw the elevator now hurtling towards us.

"What's that" the chancellor asked, fear laced in his voice.

"The elevator. R2 stop the elevator" I spoke into the comlink.

"No time. Jump" Obi Wan spoke. He let go of me and started falling down. I followed suit, letting go and grabbing the chancellor in a better hold. Me and him took out our grappling hooks and lasso'd them into the next open doors. The hooks grabbed onto something, allowing us to swing into the hallway safely. After calming down a little, we got up and began to run down the hallway. We continued sprinting through the narrow halls of the ship when a bright bubble popped out of know where and surrounded us.

"Ray shields" I muttered in annoyance.

"Wait a minute- how did this happen? We're smarter than this." Obi Wan complained in disbelief.

"Apparently not. I say patience" I hummed, straightening my back and standing taller proudly.

"Patience?" He repeated. "That's your plan, is it?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes. R2 will be along in a few minutes and then...he will release us from the Ray shields-" I start just as R2 comes rolling out and crashing into a wall. "See? No problem". I shrugged before seeing hundreds of droids follow behind him. My eyes widened at the sight.

"Do you have a plan B?" Obi Wan asked as he raised an eyebrow.

The droids put all three of us into handcuffs. They lead us into the main bridge where General Grievous stood waiting for us.

"Ahh, General Kenobi...the negotiator" he said coughing. "And Anakin Skywalker. I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a bit...older" he seethed.

"General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected" I said smirking.

"Jedi scum" he sneered, beginning to cough once again.

"Now Anakin we have a job to do, try not to upset him" Obj Wan told me, he himself trying to hide back a smile.

"Your lightsabers will make a great edition to my collection." General Grievous grinned, opening up his cape for us to see inside. In the inside pocket of his cloak was a line of lightsaber from previous Jedi he had killed. I clenched my jaw, trying to control my anger.

"Not this time. And this time you won't escape." Obi Wan said.

"R2 now!" I yelled. He went into a frenzy, shocking and killing droids around him to cause a commotion. Obi wan used the force to get his lightsaber then used it to free me from my cuffs. I used the force to summon my own lightsaber from General Grievous' cape. When it reached it my hand I immediately turned it on, getting into a fighting stance.

We sliced through droid after droid, me having to momentarily leave to retrieve the chancellor. After a little bit, It was just us and General Grievous. We worked together to fight him. "You lose General Kenobi" Grievous chuckled as he stabbed the window with and electric spear.

He flew out into the endless space but was able to latch back into the ship.  Me, Obi Wan, and the Chancellor had to grab onto something so we didn't go flying into space. We stayed like this until the emergency windows closed. We stood back up right, going to the controls to inure out how to get back safely.

"Can you fly a cruiser like this?" Obi Wan asked me as I sat down in the chancellors.

"You mean, do I know how to land what's left of this thing." I huffed.

"Well?" Obi Wan questioned.

"Under the circumstances, the ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant. Strap yourselves in" I said as I flipped a couple switches trying to stabilize this thing the best I could.

"Steady...altitude...eighteen degrees." Obi Wan muttered.

"Pressure rising. We've got to slow this week down. Open all hatches, extend all flaps and drag fins." I instructed R2 who beeped in response. He did exactly as I had asked, helping a little but not enough.

"Temp steady. Hatches open, flaps extended drag fins-" Obi Wan was cut off by the ship shaking as the entire back of it broke off.

"We lost something" I muttered.

"Not to worry, we're still flying half the ship" Obi Wan laughed nervously.

"Now we're really picking up speed. I'm going to shift a few degrees and see if I can slow us down." I told them, doing exactly as I said.

"Careful, we're heating up twelve thousand...thirteen thousand..." Obi Wan spoke carefully.

"What's our speed?" I asked.

"Eighty plus sixty-forty... eighty plus sixty-twenty...eighty plus sixty. Temp ten thousand, nine thousand...we're in the atmosphere." Obi Wan informed me. My grip on the steering wheel tightened instinctively. I pointed towards a control in front of R2.

"Grab that, keep us level." R2 got a hold of it and kept it steady.

"Steady...steady" Obi Wan repeated. R2 began beeping and freaking out, making my nerves and anxieties only rise.

"Easy R2!" I snapped in frustration. "Hang on, this may get a little rough. We lost our heat shields." I said as we were approaching the ground rather quickly.

"Five thousand. Three thousand... two thousand. Fire ships on the left and right." Obi Wan told me.

"We'll take you in" one of the firefighters spoke through the comlink. Obi Wan clicked a button to respond.

"Copy that. Landing strip is straight ahead."

"We're still coming in too hot" I mumbled. We approached the landing strip up so I tried to level it off the best I could. We crashed into the ground and slid all the way across, knocking down a control tower in the process. We all held on for dear life as I pulled the controls as far back as I could, hoping friction would be able to help.

When we finally stopped sliding I let out a large sigh of relief, thankful that we made it out alive. "Another happy landing" Obi Wan chuckled.


A speeder came to pick us up and take us to the senate building so we could drop off the Chancellor. There we were met with a whole bunch of senators and even some Jedi including Master Windu. I looked for Rosie but I didn't see her, making a frown cross my lips. I got off the ship and turned around expecting to see Obi Wan following but he didn't.

"Aren't you coming Master?" I asked him.

"Anakin let's face it, you were the hero today. You saved me and the Chancellor both. You even carried me on your back half the time" he said.

"All because of your training" I replied humbly.

"Plus I need to report back to the council what happened today" he added. I sighed reluctantly.

"Alright but you owe me one for saving your skin for the tenth time" I joked.

"Ninth" he said pointing a finger. "That business on Cato Nemoidia doesn't count. I'll see you at the briefing." I laughed and waved as he flew away. I walked over to the crowds of people, ready to except all the praises.

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