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Padme walked me up to my room and helped me get out of my dress and into a night gown. She helped me get into bed and tucked me in nicely. "Could you grab Anakin for me?" I asked quietly. She smiled and nodded.

"Of course" she walked out and came back in seconds later with Anakin. She winked at me before walking out and closing the door.

"Rosie I was so worried" Anakin muttered as he ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I savored his touch, pulling him practically on top of me.

"I'm ok, and thank you. Thank you so much. You saved me" I whispered. I felt him smile against my neck.

"I promised didn't I?" He grinned, leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. The door opened once again making him jump up immedietly. "It was my pleasure to make sure you were ok" he said trying to make it seem like I was thanking him.

I looked over and saw it was just the medic droid. "Goodnight, Anakin" I smiled. He smiled back and walked out. I turned in my side and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my lips.

I was woken up by the sound of Anakin whimpering and calling out for his mom. I got up and tiptoed passed the sleeping medic droid and over to his room to see him tossing and turning and sweating in his bed. He was having a nightmare. I sighed and went back to my room. I was told that if someone was having a nightmare not to wake them up because it will just make their heart race more than it probably is which isn't good. I wanted to help him but I couldn't. Tomorrow I am going to ask him about it. With that last thought I laid down and closed my eyes to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and stood up and stretched. I remembered Anakin and his nightmare so walked over to his room to find him not there. I walked around trying to find him when I saw him him meditating on a balcony. I slowly backed up thinking he would probably want some time to himself. Whatever his nightmare was about sounding pretty traumatic. I turned to leave when his voice stopped me in my wake.

"Don't go. Your presence is soothing" he said still facing forward. I slowly walked over to him and rested my hand in his back. I rubbed his back gently, trying to calm him. He opened one eye and looked down at my worried face.

"Are you ok? Last night I heard you crying in your sleep. I was worried... was it about your mother?" I questioned slowly. I didn't want to pressure him if he didn't want to talk about it.

"Jedi don't have nightmares" he answered casually.

"Anakin, everyone has nightmares" I sighed, leaning my head to rest it on his arm. I took my hand away from his shoulder and wrapped it around my self to help warm me up. Anakin must be freezing in just that thin tan shirt.

"It was my mother. She's hurting. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. Hurting and in pain. Suffering. I'm sorry but I must go. I need to make sure she is ok. I know I'm going against my duties of the Jedi but I need to save her. She's in trouble." He told me, now staring directly into my eyes. His beautiful eyes held so much emotion it made my heart physically ache. I wanted to help him.

"I'll go with you, it will make sure you don't get in trouble. After all, you are supposed to be protecting me." I smiled. "Let me go inform my father."

"Thank you" I grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. They were filling with admiration. Admiration towards me which made my heart want to burst in my chest. I nodded and blushed slightly before walking off to find my father. When I found him, I told him that me and Anakin believe if we went to Tattoine it would be safer since it's on the outer rim of the galaxy. He miraculously believed me and agreed. I was also informed that Obi Wan left earlier this morning for a mission given to him by the Jedi council. Padme went to Alderaan with David for the time being.

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