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I went to bed last night overly stressed out about so many things  that I barely got any sleep. For starters, Anakin, the senate, the new empire, my baby, Padme, David, and Skylar were just some of the things that kept me up all night.

When I woke up the next day I dressed in a mesh floral top and tucked it into a black skirt. I threw a gold crown on my head and started to cook breakfast even though I was far from hungry. The baby was on its way soon and the thought alone made me feel nauseous.

As I was, stirring up some coffee, I heard the front door open. Immediately I hopped down from stool and checked to see who came in. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't drop when I saw Obi Wan instead of Anakin. "Obi Wan I was so worried about you!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Anakin told me most of the Jedi had been killed."

"When is the last time you saw him?" He asked, referring to Anakin. He was pacing the room, cupping his chin with a very concerned expression on his face.

"Who? Anakin?" I asked to clarify.

"Yes, Anakin" He muttered, stopping his pacing to guide me into one of the lounge areas. I took a seat on the couch, confused only slightly, while he stood before me.

"Yesterday." I responded, confusion was clear in my tone.

"Do you know where he is now?" He asked.

"No" I lied. I could tell something was off. I didn't want to say something I would regret in the end, even though I did trust Obi Wan.

"Rosie I need your help. Anakin is in grave danger." Obi Wan finally opened up. My heart lurched in my chest at his words.

"From the Sith?" I asked fearing the worst.

"From himself. Rosie," he said softly, sitting down beside me. "Anakin has turned to the dark side." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Anakin wouldn't do that, I know him.

"Y-you're wrong! How could you even say that?" I defended shooting up from my spot beside him. I know Anakin, he's always been so happy to be a Jedi. It was his dream.

"I have seen a security hologram of him...killing younglings" he choked out. I gasped at his Godforsaken accusation. How dare he?

"No! Not Anakin, he couldn't have" I shook my head, swallowing down some of the anger I was beginning to feel. This whole situation brought me back to the early in the war when the Jedi wrongly accused Anakin's old padawan Ashoka of a crime she didn't commit.

"He was deceived by a lie.. We all were. It appears that the Chancellor is behind everything, including the war. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice." He sounded completely heartbroken which only added to the whirl of emotions going through my head at the moment. I was beyond angry but also worried and nervous. There was something in the back of my head nagging at me to go after Anakin.

"I don't believe you. I can't." I said my voice breaking. I released a shaky sigh as I slowly lowered myself back on the couch again.

"Rosie, I must find him" Obi Wan told me.

"Your going to kill him, aren't you?" I asked turning to face him. I somehow already knew the answer to that one.

"He has become a very great threat" was all he said. Obi Wan stood up and walked to the window, turning around once more. His face read that the gears were turning in his head. "Anakin is the father isn't he?" I froze, not knowing how to respond; I just looked down at my lap. "I'm very sorry" he said and left.

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