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Anakin has been gone for about an hour and I'm starting to think he left and won't come back. Maybe he forgot about me. I guess I'll have to sit on this cold floor for the rest of the time I'm here. Well if that's the case then I might as well go to sleep. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes so I could rest. My nap was cut short when the door opened. I opened one eye and saw Anakin storming I here holding medical supplies for my thigh.

"Sorry I took so long I had some stuff I needed to do. I had to talk to the storm troopers about how to treat you. Don't worry, they will treat you a lot better now. The one who did this to you, you don't have to see him ever again" he said smirking. I felt fear rise inside of me thinking about what he did.

"Can you please just fix my leg and leave me alone" I said looking away from him. I heard him sigh and then he crouched down. He grabbed my leggings and pulled them down again so he could so he could work on my thigh. He carefully lifted my leg onto his lap and grabbed a bottle from next to him. "What is that" I asked nervously.

"Would you calm down? I can sense how nervous and scared your are. I'm not trying to kill you. This is just a cream that will help heal your burn. Then I will wrap it with this," he said reaching behind him and waving a white strip of something in the air. "Now please, sit still and stop asking questions" he said sounding annoyed.

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows and rolled his eyes. He squeezed some of the cream onto my thigh and spread it onto it.

"Does it hurt?" He asked looking up at me.

"No, it actually feels pretty nice. It's like an icy feeling" I told him honestly. He just nodded. Once the cream was completely spread out he took the wrap and beg and to wrap it around my thigh. He wrapped it pretty tight but I wasn't going to say anything. It wasn't cutting off my circulation or anything.

When he finally finished taking care of me he got up and slapped my thigh letting out a breath of relief that he was done. I yelped and glared at him. He rushed back into a crouch and softly gripped my thigh.

"I'm so sorry" he said looking up at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes. He stood back up and put his hand out. "Try to walk. Or even stand. Does it still hurt?" He asked me.

"Yes it still hurts. It was only this morning. I don't know if I can stand." I told him. I could feel the blood rush to my face in embarrassment for being too weak. He sighed deeply and bent down and picked me up in his arms. I was not expecting that.

I cling onto him to make sure I wouldn't fall which caused him to chuckle to himself. I rolled my eyes again at him and looked forward to see him walking to the chair. I started to freak out. I felt my heart begin to race and wanted to be set down.

"Put me down. Put me down please" I begged him to set me down but he wouldn't, he just ignored me and continued to set me onto the chair. I freaked out and tried to stand up but he kept pushing me down. I guess he was getting annoyed with me because he grabbed my shoulders and forced me to sit back.

"Would you relax? I'm only sitting you here so I could check on your leg to see how it moves and if it hurts when you move. I'm not even strapping you down so calm down" he said rolling his eyes at me and standing back up. I took a deep breath and felt my heart begin to calm down.  "Thank you" I heard him mumble to himself.

"Could you stop being a jerk? It's not my fault I'm hurt or even scared that you will torture me to death or something. You were the one to put me in here" I snapped at him. I was sick of hike acting as though helping me was a burden.

"Didn't I already tell you that I didn't put you in here. It was my masters idea. You want me to rejoin the light side but guess what, I will not ever change. Not for anyone. Not even you. Obviously you don't love me no matter what like you said because you can't love me the way I am. Now please,meant say another word or I will have to knock you out" he snapped back glaring at me. I felt my eyes widen at what he just threatened me. I looked back up at him and saw his glare softening. "Rosie I'm-"

"No. Don't. Just do whatever you wanted tot do to my leg and get out." I told him. My voice was strained from a mixture of fear, anger, sadness, and betrayal. He sighed and picked up my leg and moved it in all different ways. Every once in a while he would he would ask me if something he did hurt and I would either nod or shake my head no. I was in no mood to speak to hi at the moment.

When he eventually finished observing my leg he stood up again and looked at me with sad eyes. "Rosie please, I-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it ok? Just stop" I said. I didn't sound mad or disappointed or even betrayed like I said. I could only hear sadness in my voice and some pleading. He already hurt me enough.

"Ok" he whispered and came over and lifted me up again. I looked at him questioningly. "I'm taking you to your bed so you can rest." He said quietly. I just nodded. He set me down softly on the bed and quickly turned on my side away from him and closed my eyes as though I was going to sleep. I heard him sigh once again before leaving.


I walked into the control room where they called me.

"What" I snapped walking in. I'm usually in a bad mood but now I'm in an even worse mood.

"Um sir, Luke Skywalker has been retrieved form the forest moon of Endor. He is on his way up to a star destroyer now. Would you like to fly down? I could have them hold off for a minute." A scared pilot asked. I nodded. The pilot went onto a com link and connected with the main hangar. "Get Lord Vader a ship to go meet the fleet on Endor" he said strictly. A low voice replied back saying they got it.

I walked out with out another word and stormed into the hangar. If Rosie doesn't hate me now she sure as hell will now.

An: I'm sorry for slow updates! Basketball training started and I'm usually exhausted and sore after but I'm trying to update for you guys!

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