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I shuffled backwards until my back hit the railing. Anakin pushed Luke back and stood up facing the emperor. The emperor just crept passed him so he was in front of us glaring down. Anakin did nothing. He stared blankly at the ground. My jaw dropped open. I cannot believe him right now.

My mind left him when I heard the sound of electricity and my son screaming out in pain. I threw a hand to my mouth to muffle my screams and cries. I

"You will watch your son die since he won't join me. Once he's dead, your next" the emperor spat out angrily while continuing to fry my son. He would keep giving him waves of electricity that would only make him scream louder in pain.

Tears streamed down my face and soaked my shirt and pants. I wanted to look away so bad but I couldn't. It felt as though I was being forced to watch. Eventually I tore my eyes away for a minute to look at Anakin. His face looked pained. He kept looking between the emperor and Luke. He went to look at me but I quickly looked away so he would t see me looking at him.

"Now Jedi, you will die" the emperor growled then shot a bright blue string of lightning out of his fingers toward Luke. I cried out and looked up at Anakin again who snapped his eyes over at me. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He swiveled his head between all of us now. You could see the conflict in his eyes.

I looked over at Luke and saw how he was on the brink of death. That triggered something in Anakin. "NOOO!" He yelled and threw the emperor into the deep chasm we were leaning against. I rushed over to Luke and helped him sit up, still tears streaming from my eyes as though a faucet was turned on. He sat up painfully and gripped the railing for support.

Anakin dropped to his knees. He looked exhausted and tired out. He cried out and broke down in tears. I made sure Luke was alright then went over to Anakin. I got down on my knees to his level and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck. I could feel his tears as I rubbed his back trying to soothe him. The ship shook and we pulled apart.

"We should go, we need to get out of here" I said staring into his beautiful blue eyes but talking to Luke and him. He nodded and stood up offering me a hand which I excepted. I helped Luke up and he swung an arm around me and Anakin both and we began to quickly get out of there. We approached the ship and dove onto it while Anakin raced to start it up. Once he got it going we flew out and away from the Death Star.

"Where are we going?" I asked Anakin while aiding Luke to make sure known of his wounds were deadly.

"The forest moon of Endor" I heard from next to me. It was Luke. "Leia is there...my friends are there." He said opening an eye and looking at me. I nodded and leaned down to brush his hair from his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Go there please" I said turning to Anakin who was watching me intently. He nodded as well and did something to the ships controls which turned directions.

"We are on a path to Endor. We will be there shortly" he said coming over to us. He stood beside me and looked down on Luke. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I put you through. Both of you. I promise I will do everything I can to make it up to you." He said looking down in shame. I wrapped my arms around his waist in a side hug and smiled. He looked down and at first he was shocked but smiled and turned giving me a real hug.

"I forgive you father" Luke managed to say.

"Good, now go to sleep. You need some rest" I said softly. Grabbing Luke's hand and smiling at him before letting go so he could sleep. Me and Anakin walked to the front of the ship. We sat in silence until he broke it.

"Do you really forgive me? After everything I did to you, after everything I put you through?" He said turning towards me. I turned around my chair and faced him as well. I grabbed his hands.

"Of course I do. If anyone, no matter how awful that person is or was or how many bad things that person did, is sincerely sorry they deserve to be forgiven. If they aren't, they shouldn't be forgiven but I know you are sincere which is why I forgive you. Why don't you see that?" I told him softly.

"I just don't understand how you can forgive me when I did so many awful things to you. I knew you were there when I killed Obi Wan so technically I made you watch him die, I kidnapped you, I told you I was going to fight and maybe kill our son, I almost killed our son, and almost got you killed. I hate myself for all that because I love you and shouldn't have done any of that." He looked down pulling his hands away shamefully. I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked over to him and stood with my hands crossed over my chest.

"Stop. Hating. Yourself. I. Love. You." I said slowly. He was about to say something but I leaned down and grabbed his shirt pulling his lips to meet mine. He was frozen for a second until he melted into the kiss. He gripped my hips and stood up. I placed my hands on his chest and pulled away. "Do you believe me now" I said playfully.

"Yes, I do" he said laughing and leaning down to kiss me again.

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