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My nerves were skyrocketed by the time we reached the pit. Luke, Han, and Chewbacca were there already waiting on the speeder with the guards. The whole ride to the pit Jabba kept me and Leia close, not making us do anything except sit with him which only made me feel worse. I glanced at Leia who looked out the window of the ship with worried eyes. Jabba began speaking to the passengers on the ship, making everybody cheer once he finished.

"Jabba the Hut has said that if you would like he would accept apologies and your surrender now" threepio translated out the window for Luke and Han to hear.

"You tell him that we will never surrender! We won't give him that satisfaction" Han yelled back loudly.

"Your going to wish you bargained with me" Luke threatened one last time. Jabba only laughed as he did before, gesturing for the guards to begin. On instinct I went to move forward as Luke was being pushed and prodded off the edge. Jabba only yanked at my collar, cutting off my air supply for a split second.

My palms were sweating as tears were already forming in my eyes. When Luke finally was off the platform, he gripped the edge of the plank and held himself up. "Now!" He yelled, flipping over and back into the speeder where he caught shiny object. My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest as the familiar sound of a lightsaber activating filled my senses; his very own lightsaber. Everyone on the ship started running around screaming and complaining once again. Jabba was too focused on the chaos around him to notice me jump up and run to the window, watching intently as they battled their way to protect themselves.

I was so stuck on watching Luke fight against the guards that I almost missed the approaching cruiser come in. Almost. This new ship was practically impossible to miss as it was huge and an apparent outside to the battle. Slowly, people began pausing their screams as more and more took notice of the mysterious ship. Even Luke and Han managed to stop fighting as they too, were curious.

The cruiser landed and moments later the door opened and smoke filled the entrance way. I was nearly at the edge of my seat as I waited to see who it was, silently hoping it was Anakin yet also hoping it wasn't. Finally, the passengers aboard this mysterious ship marched out and just like that chaos broke out once again.


As we approached the pit I saw a battle going on. Somewhere in the battle I saw a flash of green. A lightsaber. I smirked as he used it quite well against Jabba's guards in order to protect himself. I shook my head focusing on the task at hand, Rosie.

The ship landed and the doors opened,me and my men filed out immediately igniting a spark as he once ceased fighting started up again. My men managed to protect any shots or weapons coming my way as they quickly and mercilessly shot down any one who tried. We walked up to the door of the ship, me using my powers to open it. We quickly moved our way up to the floor where everybody sat running around in fear.

When we got in I stalked over to Jabba, removing my hood and sending him a glare. "I believe you have something of mine" I stated.

Jabba only laughed and yanked on two chains, pulling Rosie and Leia over to him. I didn't even notice they were against the window, watching the battle outside. The smirk I had on my face was immediately removed as she had tears in her eyes and looked completely defeated. She was hurting and utterly depressed; I could sense it. Rage slowly rose within me as I thought about the horrid things the love of my life had to endure while being held captive here.

"I warned you of what would happen if you didn't do as I say, now it's time you pay the consequences. Unlike you, I'm not offering any other chances." With that, my men immediately began firing and killing every last person on that ship that worshipped Jabba. I quickly raised my hand, releasing Rosie and Leia. Who huddled up against the windows together, speaking quietly. My eyes stayed out on Jabba who watched on utterly horrified; he knew he had made a mistake and I was making sure he paid for it.


I was so conflicted. Anakin saved me, he released me from this horrid monster and his followers but was doing it in a terrible way. He was slaughtering them with no mercy. It made me sick to even think about.

"Rosie, let's get out of here. It's to dangerous" Leia exclaimed, locking her hand with mine. I shook and gently removed her hand from mine.

"No, you heave to go help Luke. I'll explain when I see you again but for now I need you to trust me. Ok? He won't hurt me." I told Leia. She looked confused so I sent her a small smile. "Just trust me. I'll be fine and I promise I'll see you again." I pulled her in for a hug before she reluctantly hurried out of the ship.

When she was gone I looked over at Anakin who felt my stare and turned to look at me. The second he let his signature smirk grace his lips I nearly melted all over again, despite what was going on around me. It was like he was a magnet and I was drawn to him; we were now polar opposites but that doesn't stop an attraction. I quickly ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck, clutching onto him as I recalled the horrors I faced this last week. I would've done anything to be with him again at any given time.

He was definitely surprised but he wrapped an arm securely around my waist, keeping me close against him. "I hope you realize now the severity of your mistake." Anakin told Jabba before lifting his arm, holding it out in front of him as he focused on Jabba. Almost instantly Jabba began squirming around, gagging and gasping for air as it appeared Anakin was choking him through the force- like he did to me. Anakin only released his grip on the slimy beast when his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell limp in his throne. Jabba the Hut was now officially dead.

"You saved me" I cried into Anakin's chest, overwhelmed with the emotions running through my mind. I was also a bit delirious as so much death was surrounding me, it made me feel sick.

I felt him sigh as he rubbed my back gently. "Go back to the ship and wait for our arrival. Good here, men." Anakin ordered the troopers. They nodded and marched out one by one, leaving just me and Anakin. "I can sense your anxiety. Relax, love. I'm here now." He brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes as it had fallen from my ponytail and into my face.

"I'm overwhelmed. I'm confused. And my head is pounding" I winced. Squeezing my eyes shut as a wave of pain washed over me.

"Your just in shock. Come on let's get out of here, I want to make sure your ok. Once we get back to the main ship I'll have somebody check you." He told me.

"O-Ok But, I don't feel so good" I frowned as spots began to cloud my vision. My hands clutched tighter into his cloak, pulling him closer as I just wanted to be near him. There was a difference being near him versus being near all those other men the last week.

"Its ok darling, Ill make sure you feel better" He cooed. "Why were you so willing to come with me, especially after what I've done." He asked, frowning a bit.

"I missed you. I can't live without you, I realize that now" I admitted. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my exposed waist. Gosh, I must've been just as crazy if I was just letting him in so easily yet it just felt so right.

"I've been a mess without you, thinking you were dead. When I found out you were alive I was going out of my mind without you." He told me. "Now I've got you and I'm not ever letting you go."

"You don't have to" I blushed, smiling up at him. "Could we leave though, my head keeps getting worse and I think I'm going to pass out." I blinked as the spots kept getting worse and worse.

"I'm going to do something to help you, you have to trust me." He searched my eyes, his blue eyes replacing the yellow sith eyes everyone else was used to.

"What are you talk-" I was cut off when we placed his hand inches from my forehead before I collapsed in his arms, knocked out cold.

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