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When I woke up the next morning, Anakin was gone yet again. Unfortunately, it has been like this for a while. I can't be mad though, I tell myself it's due to the war; I hope it's because of the war.

I sighed and rolled out of bed. My stomach was completely round by now and making simple movements was quite difficult. I waddled into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for myself, making sure it was both healthy and big enough for me and the baby.

After, cleaning up I aimlessly found myself back in my bedroom back on my bed. I fell back on the mattress and just stared at the ceiling, literally bored out of my mind. Maternity leave was not that exciting so far to say the least.

My hand made its way to test on my stomach, a smile graced my lips as I thought about the tiny human inside me. Almost as if he or she knew I was thinking about it, he or she kicked against the lining of my belly. I giggled as I felt the little pressure, feeling rather giddy.

The feeling of the little foot against my stomach reminded me of how close my due date was. To be honest, I could go into labor any day now. This brings me to- unfortunately- think about Anakin's dreams. I can't help but ask myself: What if they are real? What if I die along with the baby? What will happen to Anakin if I die? What will happen to our child?

These are the things that terrify me. I put on a string face for Anakin's sake but deep down I was petrified. If Anakin is telling the truth about how the dreams are similar to the ones he had with his mother, there's no denying my anxiety over having this baby.


I walked with Obi Wan through the halls of the Jedi temple, joining him to bid him farewell and good luck on his mission to go to General Grievous.

"You're going to need me on this one Master" I told him.

"Oh, I agree. Though it could turn out to just be a wild bantha chase" we both chuckled lightly. We approached the ship Obi Wan would be flying and stopped, becoming serious almost instantly.

"Master I haven't been appreciative of your teachings. I've been arrogant and I'm sorry. I really appreciate what you have taught me" I admitted honestly.

"Anakin you have grown to be a strong Jedi. Goodbye old friend and may the force be with you" he smiled.

"May the force be with you always" I replied, smiling and waving one last time. He returned the gestures before turning and hopping into his ship. I watched as he started the ship's engine and flew away to go safe the galaxy.


Later in the day, we received news that Obi Wan had successfully located Grievous. Master Windu had asked me to inform the Chancellor, which I was suspicious about. Master Windu only confirmed my suspicions when he went on about how 'the dark side of the force surrounds the chancellor'. My response was a simple nod and a  'yes master' monotonously as I made my way over to the chancellor.

I walked into the chancellor's office, him hearing my footsteps and turning around in his chair to face me.

"Chancellor," I said, nodding my head in respect. "We have just received the report from Master Kenobi. He has engaged General Grievous."

"Master Kenobi is up to the challenge" he replied, his eyes searched mine as though he knew I wanted to inquire more.

"I should be there with him" I admitted, looking down at my feet.

"It's upsetting to me to see that the council doesn't fully appreciate your talents. Don't you wonder why they won't make you a Jedi master?" He asked curiously.

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