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The Jedi prepared themselves to fight- I stepped closer to Anakin and gripped onto his leather tunic. The droids charged up their weapons, aiming them at us making all the Jedi instinctively tighten their grip on their lightsaber hilts. Out of know where, something that resembled a large storm cloud loomed over the arena casting a shadow on us all. The ships lowered and thousands of men came out dressed in what looked like white armor rushed out, shooting the droids.

The droids began to fight back as he Jedi held their ground as the ships formed a protective circle around us. We were all quickly ushered onto a ship and lifted off the ground. Once we got inside I saw Padme and David standing there smiling. I smiled widely and grew my arms around them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked in both surprise and relief.

"The senate and Jedi coordinated this rescue mission together, I had to come see if you were sa-" She was cut off when something hit our ship. My balance faltered as I reached to grab the frame of the ship. My fingers caught it by an inch.

"Gosh that was close-" I chuckled just as a clone trooper slipped due to another hit on our ship and pushed both me and him out. I screamed on the way down as I looked up at Anakin's and Padme's horrified faces. I could hear Anakin yelling my name in agony.

My back hit the hot sand, the tiny stones seeping into the wound on my back. I groaned in pain and rolled over on to my stomach. "I'm so sorry Mi'lady. I-I didn't mean to drag you down with me." The clone trooper apologized as he leaned down on one knee.

"Completely not your fault. I'm ok, are you alright?" I asked, concerned for the man's own health.

"I'm fine mi'lady. Would you like me to call for reinforcements?" He asked me. I nodded my head rapidly.

"Yes, we need to follow that ship."


"Rosie!!!" I yelled after her. "Lower the ship! We have to get her!" I yelled to the trooper driving.

"Anakin control your feelings! You must follow through with your mission. Your a Jedi" Obi Wan reminded me sharply. My judgement was clouded as all I thought about was the possibility of never seeing Rosie again.

"I need to save her!" I demanded.

"What would she do if she had a duty?" I thought about it.

"I'll help you out Ani, she would do her duty first then check on her friend after it's all done." Padme softly reminded me. I huffed as my anger and worries built up inside me. I looked ahead and saw Count Dooku riding a speeder.

"That's count Dooku! Shoot him" I yelled.

"We ran out of ammo sir" he said.

"Follow him" I spoke, glaring out the widnshield at the man who has put the love of my life's life in danger twice now.

The clone trooper obeyed and followed Dooku. Eventually we came across an empty, worn down building. He pulled up to it and parked his speeder running inside. We followed suite, parking our ship then running to meet Count Dooku inside. He was in a room that had huge machines in it; it must've been some type of factory. "Your going to pay for all the Jedi you killed today" I growled in anger.

"We'll take him together. You'll go in slowly on the left..." Obi Wan started to tell me.

"No, I'm taking him now" I cut him off, turning on my lightsaber.

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