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It's been about 1 week since Rosie has been here. She is now a prisoner on the ship until Luke comes. The emperor hasn't decided what to do with her if he decides to join which I'm really hoping he does. If he doesn't, they will both die and I can't handle that. If he does, the emperor told me she will live. I don't know what kind of life but she will be alive and that's all I need.

I have not gone to visit her in her cell because if I do it will be way to painful to watch. Seeing her in there hurt, broken, and helpless would break my heart even more. I still hope the storm troopers have not hurt her yet. If they did, I would find them and kill them. I'm still angry at her but I will never stop loving and caring for her.

I'm ignoring her and acting the way I am to protect her. If I become soft, the emperor will force me to kill her or watch me as he kills her. Just seeing her makes me want to drop everything and leave. Everything is an act and I just have to keep it up until I know she's safe.

I walked down the halls to go to the control room where they have found out where Luke Skywalker is. I stormed passed people and pushed my way through. On the way I passed Rosie's room where I felt her presence. She was in pain. From what, I don't know but after I figure out about Luke I'm going to talk to the storm troopers assigned to guarding her room.

"What do you know about the location of Luke Skywalker?" I shouted walking into the control room.

"Luke Skywalker is located in the moon of Endor. The moon right below us. We have troopers stationed there already and we will alert them to watch for him." One of the workers in here said.

"No leave him. He will come to us. He will come to me" I said lowly then left the room.


This past week has been awful. I have been stuck in this stupid room and haven't been able to leave except to use the bathroom. But even then I had to be walked by 2 guards with loaded guns by my side.

Every day, a storm trooper would bring me my food and water. He would then proceed to tease me and torture me for his amusement. This morning, the stormtrooper who brought my food brought steaming coffee and said it was a gift. Well, he then dumped this hot cup of coffee all over my legs which were still only in leggings and then laughed about it. It was so painful but I bit my lip to try and contain my cries and screams of pain. I couldn't let them get to me.

I wanted out of this stupid room so bad. I hated being confined in this room. The chair in the middle gave me chills thinking about all the innocent people who most likely were trapped and tortured on there. Just thinking about it sent goosebumps all around my body.

The things that I already mentioned didn't come close to the pain that I was feeling inside  of my heart. All of it was because of Anakin. He knows I'm trapped in here and yet he hasn't visited once. I'm sure he knows how the storm troopers are treating me and he doesn't care. I'm sure he hates me so much that he encourages them. The thing that hurts the most is that I can't bring myself to hate him. After everything we have been through, the pain, the love, the fights, the sadness, the anger, just everything that has happened between doesn't weaken how I feel for him. If anything, it makes it stronger.

I sat leaned against the wall still feeling the pain from the hot coffee from this morning. I don't even think I could stand. I probably should check to see if there's a burn mark. I gripped the hem of my legs and slowly started to pull them down to my knees so I could check to see if there was a mark. Of course there was. There was a huge red mark on my thigh. I went to touch it and hissed in pain quickly pulling my hand away. I groaned in annoyance and pulled my pants back up slowly so I wouldn't irritate my burn.

Just as I pulled my pants up the doors slid open. I looked up and had to do a double take. Did my husband actually decide to come face me?

Once he walked all the way inside he turned and shut the doors. When he faced me again I tried to read his eyes to see if I could tell what he was feeling. His expression was blank. The only thing his eyes were doing were looking at me on the floor, giving me a weird look.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asked me.

"That's the first thing you say to me? Wow." I said laughing slightly. "And if your wondering why I'm on the floor, it's because your stupid storm troopers-" he cut me off.

"What did they do" he asked me. I could now read his expression. His face hardened and his eyes held anger.

"They did plenty of things but this morning the one who brought me my food and water poured a steaming hot cup of coffee on my leg. It hurts really bad and I don't think I can walk." I said looking up at him. He slowly walked over to me then crouched down.

"Which leg?" He asked looking back and forth at my legs. I pointed to my right. He placed his hands on it softly and pressed down lightly. I jerked my leg away in pain.

"That hurts" I snapped.

"Sorry" he grumbled then pulled my leg back over. He reached at the top of my leggings and grabbed the hem. I smacked his hands away.

"What are you doing? You can't snap on me, put me in prison, and ignore me for a week while allowing your storm troopers to hurt me and think I'll allow you take my pants off" I said sassily.

"I just want to check on your thigh because I care about you. Now shut up and let me see." He snapped back. "And I had no clue they were treating you badly. After I'm done in here I'm going to go and have a talk with them" he told me, I could see his eyes held annoyance and anger. I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Just hurry up." I said. He then grabbed the hem again and slowly pulled my leggings down. It was kind of awkward because we were sort of mad at each other. Once my leggings were pulled to where he could see the whole burn mark he stopped pulling them down and and pulled my thigh onto his lap so he could get a better view of the mark.

"Wow that's pretty bad. I'm going kill who did this to you" he said angrily and mindlessly began to tighten his grip on my thigh. I winced and grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Your hurting me stop" I said to him. He immediately loosened his grip and mumbled an apology.

"I'm going to go get some type of wrap and a medicine for your thigh. Wait here" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Where can I go" I said rolling my eyes. I saw him roll his eyes in return but as he carefully pulled my pants back up I saw a hint of a smile on his lips.

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