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As I was sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall, I heard the sound of a speeder landing on landing pad. Almost as though everything that happened in the past hour or so vanished as I quickly stood up and ran over to the launch pad. My heart could've burst as I saw him step out of the speeder, completely safe on healthy. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I was so worried about you. I heard about attacks on the Jedi temple and I saw smoke." I told him, cupping his face gently.

"I'm ok" he muttered, leaning down to kiss me. I melted into his touch, moving my hands to play with the curls in his hair.

"Anakin...Padme was killed. And so was David and Skylar. I was so worried something happened to you." I whispered weakly. I blinked back tears as Anakin watched me with love in his eyes.

"I'm here now" he uttered and pulled me into a another hug. He kissed me once again, this time a little harder than before. This time, I felt something was off. The warm, welcoming kiss I was so accustomed to wasn't what I was feeling. It felt like this wasn't the same man I've come to love so much. It was like my Anakin wasn't there and he was somehow replaced. Nevertheless, I ignored it and continued to kiss him until he pulled away and caressed the side of face sweetly.

"The Jedi have tried to overthrow the republic." He informed me. My eyes widened in shock.

"What?" I asked.

"I witnessed Master Windu trying to assassinate the chancellor myself." There was a silence that followed.

"Anakin...what are you going to do?" I asked softly.

"I will not betray the republic. My loyalties lie with the chancellor and with the senate." He spoke sharply.

"What about Obi Wan?" I asked.

"I don't know...many Jedi have been killed. We can only hope that he's been remained loyal to the chancellor." He spoke almost emotionlessly. I blinked rapidly in disbelief; how could this have happened? "Have faith my love. Everything will soon be set right. The chancellor has given me a very important mission. The separatists have gathered in the Mustafar system. I'm going there to end this war. Wait for me until I return...things will be different I promise." He ran his hand down my arm, making goosebumps rise.

"O-ok" I stuttered, mesmerized by the intense look in his blue eyes.

"Please, wait for me" he repeated desperately.

"I will" I nodded. He smiled and placed a quick but sweet kiss on my lips. He walked back to his ship, turning once more to wave goodbye to me once more. I faked a small smile and waved back as I watched him take off.

"Mi'lady, is there anything I might do?" 3PO asked.

"No thank you, 3PO." I whimpered, feeling completely stressed about the whole situation. My hand instinctively went to my stomach as I rubbed over the baby waiting to pop out any second now.

There was a knock on my door, much to my surprise. I went over to it and opened it up to see Senator Bail Organa. "There's an emergency senators meeting everyone needs to be there. Where is Senator Amidala?" Him saying her name left a sting in my heart. But I had to stay strong, for me and for her. I cleared my throats and stood up straighter, resting a hand on my stomach.

"She-um, she was shot. I've already sent her to the morgue to be prepared to be sent back to Naboo for a proper burial. I will quickly get dressed and then we can go." I informed him as strongly as I possibly could. His face fell in sorrow and pity for me at my words.

"I'm very sorry to hear about Senator Amidala, I am very relieved to see you and the baby are safe though. I'll wait at here while you get ready." He told me. I nodded, smiling thankfully at him as I shut the door and went to get dressed. I quickly threw on a black and gold dress, throwing my hair up in the process.

"We can leave now" I said once I walked out. Senator Organa nodded and lead me to his speeder. We flew quietly to the senate building where hoards of senators were also walking into the emergency meeting.

Me and Senator Organa looked at each other questioningly as we followed the crowd inside. We found the Naboo pod and took our seats. My heart hurt as I saw the empty set beside myself, thinking of Padme. Senator Jar Jar Binks walked in and joined us, sitting in his own seat. The talking seized as the Chancellor appeared before us. He stood in the middle of the room and spoke with his hood up covering his face.

"...the Jedi have tried to overthrow the senate.  All though the battle they put me through has left me scarred and deformed I will not give up. Instead we will become stronger. All the remaining Jedi will be destroyed. In Order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the republic will be organized into the first Galactic Empire. For a safe and secure society which I will ensure you will last for 10 thousand years." He concluded. Everyone around us cheered obnoxiously and screamed as though ecstatic at the news. I, for one, was not happy. I was worried for Anakin, missing my sister and her family, and confused by the news we had just received as well as the response. A Galactic Empire? We support the republic; democracy.

"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause" I muttered quietly to myself as the sound of applause filled my ears.

*Anakin* (next day)

I landed my ship on Mustafar, shutting off the controls and walking out. I took long strides towards the main building as I propped my hood on my head.

"Stay by the ship R2" I demanded as I heard the familiar beeping.

Once I got inside, I walked down the long hallway that lead me into a room full of seperatists. "Lord Vader, we have been expecting you" Gunray greeted, bowing his head.

I smirked from under my hood and lifted my hand, slowly closing every door in the room. There was no escape. I took out my light saber and killed them all. Every last one of them; like the sand people. I was following my masters new orders and fulfilling my true destiny. I was going to earn the power to cheat death no matter how much it hurt; Rosie was all that mattered.

I sliced through all of them and every droid telling in agony. It hurt so bad knowing that I was once a boy who dreamed of becoming a Jedi and now I've just turned into the very thing I vowed to destroy.

"Please, we just want peace" Gunray begged. Following orders, I showed no mercy and cut him off mid-plee and killed him just like the others. I shut down my light saber and sent a hologram to Darth Sidious.

"The separatist party has been taken care of my master. They are no more." I told him through the hologram.

"Very good my young apprentice. Wait there, I will meet you there when I am finished. In the meantime, shut down all droid systems" He instructed.

"Very good my master" I said and the hologram shut off. I walked out onto a bridge and looked over, thinking of  everything that happened. My mind kept traveling back to my younger self, the little boy enslaved on an excuse of a planet. Angry tears left my eyes as I thought about that and the Jedi council. They didn't trust me. They did this to me. If only they had made me a master, I would've been strong enough. This was their fault.

My thoughts then drifted over to my wife and our baby. I'm doing this for her. Im doing this for us. Rosie is a very understanding girl, she's an angel. She will forgive me in time. In fact, I'm sure I could talk her into believing I'm ok the right side. I love her and she loves me just as much, she will follow me. I know she will.

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