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I know I didn't kill her. I can still feel her heart beat beating against her chest. Fear and regret immediately consumed my body, quickly turning into anger. I watched Obi Wan walk over and touch her forehead to see if she was alive. The sight of him touching my wife just fueled my anger even more.

"You turned her against me!" I yelled at him.

"You have done that yourself!" He responded as he stood back up. He walked away from Rosie's unconscious body and stared at me with pain in his eyes.

"You will not take her from me!" I screamed in anger.

"Your anger and your lust for power have already done that. You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until you have become the very thing you swore to destroy." Obi Wan argued, I could feel him loosing patience and becoming angry himself.

"Do not lecture me Obi Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire!" I scoffed turning away from him.

"Your new empire!" He repeated in pure disgust and shock. His patience was running thin, I could feel it.

"Don't make me kill you..." I seethed, bawling my fist.

"Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic...to democracy" he yelled back.

"If you're not not with me...then your my enemy." I told him lowly.

"Only a Sith deals in absolute," I heard him take out his lightsaber from his belt "I will do what I must" Obi Wan muttered just as lowly.

"You will try" I immediately got my own out, doing a backflip lunging to attack him. Our sabers clashed back and forth in fast motions. I pushed him towards the edge of the platform but he got around. We continued fighting back one forth as we moved throughout the building. I knew the emperor was on his way and in the end, I would win. Not only would I be he most powerful being but I would have the most beautiful girl standing by my side and no one would be in the way to stop me.


My eyes fluttered open, taking in my current situation. I was laying on the hot ground with a pounding headache and a pain in my stomach. I sat up and felt a little dizzy. I looked around and saw my ship meaning I was still on Mustafar. I stood up and walked over to the edge to see if I can find Anakin and Obi Wan before one of them gets hurt. I saw a flash of blue in the distance and saw them floating on tiny metal pieces. I heard a ship in the background and saw it land on the ash behind them. I squinted my eyes and saw the emperor and two guards climb out. I gasped and quickly ducked down as one of them looked over.

"You underestimate our powers" I heard Anakin say. I started to feel light headed as the pain in my stomach intensified greatly. I groaned and grabbed my stomach. Smacking a hand over my mouth, I quickly looked over the ledge and prayed no one heard me. Thankfully no one did. Next thing I know, my vision began to fade as black dots filled my eyes, falling into unconsciousness once again.


It was now 4 on 1. I knew I was going to win. While I was standing here, now on the sand next to the emperor, I felt her. I felt her in pain and loosing hope.

I lifted my lightsaber above my head ready to end this all together when Yoda came flying Rosie's ship and scooped up Obi Wan in a quick motion. I started to run when the emperors voice interrupted me.

"Wait, let them go. We will get them eventually. They can't run forever." He said grinning deviously. I nodded smirking. We turned and walked to our ship to fly to the Star Destroyer so we could watch the ultimate weapon being built, the Death Star.

*Obi Wan*

Once I got in the ship I saw Rosie laying unconscious across seats. I was so disappointed in myself. I failed Anakin. I failed Qui gon. I put my head in my hands and thought about what I did. It's all my fault.

I carried Rosie off the ship and ran her to a medical droid. Me, Yoda, and Bail Organa sat and waited.

"She is giving birth to twins but she's not well, she's too weak. We don't know if she'll make it."

"She's dying?" I asked shocked.

"An idea, I have" Yoda said and walked in. The medical droid walked in after and shut the door. We looked through the large window into the room to see Yoda touching her forehead and meditating. He opened his eyes and walked out. "It is done and she will have a long life" he said.

I walked inside and stood next to her. She was finally awake and she was hurting. She wasn't giving birth just yet because the medical droids were still preparing.

"Is Anakin ok?" She asked weakly. I looked away not knowing how to answer that. Thankfully the droids saved me and they started to help her give birth. It was awful having to hear her suffering. She was screaming and crying in pain.

In the end she had a boy, Luke, and a girl, Leia. She passed out after giving birth. We knew the kids were in danger. Vader will do whatever it takes to get them on his side.

"What are we going to do?" Bail Organa asked.

"I say we wait until Rosie wakes up" I said. They agreed and waited.


I woke up and felt a large amount of pain in my lower region. I forgot for a second what had happened until it all rushed through me. I could still feel the invisible hand wrapped around me, not letting air in my lungs. Then I remembered my children. They were in danger. As much as I'd love to raise them, I knew they'd be a target if I did. I got up painfully and walked into a room where I saw Obi Wan, Bail Organa, and Yoda all sitting down.

"Look who's awake" Obi Wan said.

"How are you feeling?" Yoda asked.

"I'm alright" I said, my voice scratchy. "We need to discuss what to do with my kids. They are in danger staying with me." I told them.

"We agree. What should we do with them?" Bail Organa said.

"I know you have always wanted a baby girl, so you can raise Leia.Luke can go to his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Obi Wan you can go with him. I will also go to Tattoine so I'll be close to atleast one of them" I said looking down sadly.

"We're sorry about this but it sounds like a good plan" Obi Wan agreed.

"I agree" Bail organa added in nodding.

"Obi Wan I will teach you a way to communicate with your old master before you go" Yoda turned to Obi Wan.

"Qui Gon?" He asked in shock.

"Mhmm" Yoda said nodding.

Bail Organa took Leia back to Alderaan where she will be known as Princess Leia. Luke is on Tattoine with his aunt and uncle. Me and Obi Wan separated too. I live near civilization while they I've on the outskirts. There's not one day where I don't think about Anakin and our past. I hope one day I'll find him again and help him turn back to the light side. I know there's good in him. I feel it.

A/N: not over going to do all episodes! Also Anakin isn't burned and looks the same because Sidious gives him youth so he stops aging. Yoda does the same to Rosie when she is close to dying! Remember this for the rest of the book! Go check out my other book called Flickers as well if you had t already!

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