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We received a hologram message from Obi Wan asking us to transmit it to Coruscant so the Jedi council can see it. Apparently he was too far away for his signal to reach. He was informing us about the bounty hunter, Jango Fett, who had attacked him and fled to Geonosis where Obi Wan is currently landed. While he was continuing to tell us what he found out, a destroyer droid came into view as we saw Obi Wan attempting to block the hits. "Oh my gosh..." I muttered in disbelief.

The hologram switched over to Mace Windu as Obi Wan's connection was lost. "We will send in troops to go  help Master Kenobi. Anakin, stay and protect the princess. That is what you are assigned to do. We have news that Senator Amidala is safe in Alderaan.

"Yes master" Anakin said.

"Good" Master Windu said then disappeared.

"We have to help him. He's in trouble" I answered immediately after, sliding passed Anakin to take a seat in the co-pilots spot.

"You heard Master Windu, he said we have to stay here" Anakin surprised me by saying. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you just going to let Obi Wan die? He is your master, your mentor, your friend. We have to help him." I tried but to no avail. He only stared at me blankly. "You know what, I'm going and since you have to protect me I guess you have to tag along."

Finally Anakin smirked and took a seat in the pilots chair, pressing whole bunch of buttons allowing us to lift off and begin the journey to Geonosis.


"Can you land this thing without being seen or noticed" I asked as we arrived in the planet. "I need to go change into something more appropriate for what we're doing. A nice dress isn't going to help me." I sighed. He looked over at me and grinned.

"I think those vents over there should work" he said pointing to a whole in the ground with smoke shooting out of it. I nodded and walked off to the back to change. I put on a long sleeve wrap that I tied in the back directly under my blue sports bra. I then slid on some leggings and put my hair up into a bun then go to join Anakin as we had just landed the cruiser.

"Ready?" Anakin asked me.

"Yep, just a little nervous considering I'm not used to all this wild adventure like stuff." I grinned making him laugh lightly. "Let's got get Obi Wan" I concluded, walking out of the ship.

We found ourselves walking inside this very eerie looking tunnel. I looked all around at the weird looking walls giving me a really bad feeling about all this.

As we continued through. I swear I heard something making me quickly turned around, seeing nothing there. Shaking my head, I turned back and began to walk until I heard the same sound- yet again. This time, when I turned around there were loads of Geonosians climbing from the walls. Anakin responded swiftly by turning on his lightsaber to hold off the creatures as we backed out. When it was safe, we turned and ran through a door which lead us directly into some type of droid factory. Unfortunately, the floor beneath us slid into the wall making me tumble towards the conveyor belt below.

"Rosie" Anakin yelled. I groaned as I stood up. The first thing I saw were these ax like things swinging. My eyes widened at the sight. You got this, just time your movements. I told myself as I managed to dodge the swinging objects.

Mentally cheering myself on, I was grabbed by a flying droid and thrown into a bucket. My heart began to beat a thousand miles per hour as I realized there was no escape out of this one. It only got worse as I looked up and saw molten metal ready to squirt all over me. I closed my eyes, prepping for the worst when the machine above me closed up again and I was falling towards the ground. After silently thank God, I rolled out of the bucket and saw R2D2 standing there.

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