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My eyes never left the top of my bunk. I laid, staring blankly at the top of Leia's bunk. I was feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. Anakin was alive. He was safe. He was healthy. And he was merciless. The thought alone made my stomach turn.

His blue eyes, the same ones I fell in love with, were filled with sadness and hatred. He was broken. He was seduced by the idea of power. The way he stared and watched as I cried stayed put in my head. He was still the most beautiful being I've ever laid eyes on. I still loved him with every little piece of my heart. I still wanted him to hold me and mend my own broken heart; I craved him.

"Rosie, are you alright? We should be approaching Yavin Four in about ten minutes." Leia's soft voice filled my ears, allowing Anakin's image to fade in my brain. I slowly sat up and sent her a small yet faux smile.

"I'm fine, just worn out is all." I reassured her. "He was a good friend of mine from the very beginning" I explained.

"But your so young" She commented. I forgot. I was still technically only twenty years old.

"Right" I whispered. "Well, he helped raise me. He was like a father figure" I corrected.

"I understand. I'm very sorry for your loss. But don't let his death ruin you, be happy that he is no longer living in fear of the empire." She rested a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and nodded, feeling a pang in my chest as I recalled a time when Anakin told me Yoda had said very similar words. Rejoice for those who become one with the force...

"Your very wise Leia" I commented.

"Thank you. And you, are very strong. I must go check on the boys to make sure they're not being idiots but get some more rest or pack up your things. We will be landing shortly." She offered me one last smile before exiting the main bed chambers.

I sighed as I stood up and smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress. I repositioned the tiara on my head and ran my fingers through my now tangled locks. After adjusting my appearance, I made sure my bags were organized and filled before waiting patiently to land.


"Find that ship and either bring me to them or allow me to go get them myself" I yelled out anxiously. Ever since my eyes met hers and I felt her presence surge through my veins, I've been a mess. It was like she was my drug, my addiction, and I needed her to end this horrible withdraw I was feeling.

"Y-yes my Lord. We will try our hardest to track down their coordinates. When we find them I will personally alert you" the acting commander in the room assured me. I straightened my back and nodded.

"I'd expect nothing less, commander." I seethed. He nodded, shrinking down from his arrogant state. Next order of business: my master. The thought that he lied to me about Rosie being dead was crawling in my bones. How dare he, the one who I trusted and devoted my entire life to, betray me the way he did? I hope he had an exclamation as to why he did so.

I walked in his chamber, not bothering to knock. I was enraged at the moment, I didn't have time for pleasantries. "You lied to me master" I snapped angrily. 

"Why I have no idea what you are talking about. What nonsense are you on about?" He asked as he turned his chair to face me. He seemed as though he already knew what I was talking about which fueled me even more.

"Rosie. She's alive and well. I saw her, she was here." My breathing was almost erratic due to the anger coursing through my veins.

"She's alive?" He gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "Why I had no idea!" He spoke with clear mock shock in his voice.

"You knew all along. I could've had her by my side!" I yelled feeling the muscles in my body tense up.

"I promise you, my apprentice, she was dead when I went to check on her back in Mustafar. She was dead after you attempted to kill her. You succeeded, at least for a while." He sighed. "My guess is the remaining two Jedi did something to bring her back."

"Do you swear that's true?" By now, my anger was replaced with despair. I killed her. It was me. I hurt the one person who I vowed not to. She will never want me again.

"Why...of course I do, Vader. I would never lie to someone as close to my heart as you. You bring peace to the empire with everything you do. My empire. I promise you, Rosie has been dead, or at least that's what I believed, for years." His lips curled up into a somewhat smirk.

"I believe you, Master" I responded through my teeth.

"Good. Now, go rest. I hear you've had a great victory today. You've officially ended all ties to Anakin Skywalker, after the death of Obi Wan Kenobi earlier you became completely dedicated to the dark side of the force." He congratulated. The strings in my heart pulled at his words, seeing flashes of the good times we had together go through the back of my mind.

"Thank you Master." The word seemed forced. I needed to clear my head. "Now if you excuse me, I would like to retire back to my chambers. I apologize for accusing you of deceiving me."

"You are forgiven" He nodded. I bowed my head to him in respect and left. My fists were tightly closed as I made my way back to my room. I threw open my nightstand drawer and pulled out my wedding ring I kept on a chain. A tear slid past my eye and fell down my cheek. What have I done?


"Let's go, princess. We've landed" Han exclaimed rather loudly as he bathed into the main chambers. I simply nodded and picked up my bags.

"Still all depressed?" He scoffed, grabbing my bags off of me. I glared at him but allowed him to help me.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern" I answered back sarcastically. He grinned at me.

"Of course, your highness" he mocked. I watched him exit the ship with my things. I sighed, blinking back tears and followed after him.

"Where is she staying, I've got her things?" He asked Leia, nodding his head at me.

"Follow me, I'll make sure she gets a room fit for a queen" She smiled at me. I gave her a thankful smile and followed after he and Han. We walked back Luke as he talked with generals and other pilots, trying to figure out a plan of attack. A smile graced my lips as I could see how him and Anakin had the same eyes. I'm glad that at least he still has some of Anakin in him.

"These Death Star is a very powerful space station. It destroyed my home planet of Alderaan." I perked up when Leia commented after showing me my room. It was rather nice for a rebel base. "So I understand what your feeling right now."

"I'm so sorry" I shook my head.

"I survived. They're in a better place now, that's all I could ask for." She sighed sadly. "I'm technically the general so I must go meet with the pilots. We're going to come up with anything to stop that machine. I need to avenge my people."

"Go, I'll be fine" I assured her. She left the room, closing the door. As soon as she left my hands met my hair. Tears began to fall as I cried for not only the people Ive loved and lost but for me. For the weak, depressed, girl I've become. For me, the girl who is in love with the one person she knows she can't have.

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