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I felt my blood run cold. I hurriedly finished braiding my hair and quickly shut the window. My fingers shakily held the small piece of paper that held such lethal words as I sprinted across the hall to Anakin's room. My knuckles harshly rapped against the mahogany as I waited for him to open up. "What?" He harshly snapped once he opened the door. His eyes were blazing at first until they took in the petrified state I was currently in. 

"A-Anakin, I know you hate me right now and I'm sorry. It my fault but-but im really scared." I managed to get out. "This came in my window as I was preparing for bed." My hands shook as I showed him the small piece of paper. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he took the piece of paper from my hand. His blue eyes scanned the words etched onto the page and widened.

"I have to find Obi Wan" he mumbled with determination laced in his voice. He began to slide by me before he stopped in his tracks. "Let's go I'm not leaving you alone." He then shocked me by lacing his fingers with mine. A small gasp of surprise left my lips at the feeling of his big hand pressed against mine.

We raced through the halls of the palace desperately trying to find the Master Jedi. Anakin frantically asked questions, occasionally squeezing my hand as if to make sure I was still there. Eventually we found Obi Wan talking to one of the military leaders stationed at the palace.

"Master, I'm sorry to interrupt but this is urgent. The princess has received a threat." Anakin spoke as he approached the two men. Both of which perked up at the newfound information.

"A threat? How?" The military leader asked.

"She received this message from an unknown source. It came in from her window." Anakin explained. Obi Wan took the piece of paper and read over it carefully; analyzing it.

"Set up two armed guards at every entrance into the castle: I mean every entrance." Obi Wan instructed the military leader. He nodded.

"Yes sir, I will go work on that now." He then ran off to go position his men around the palace.

"Princess I hate to even say this but I recommend you and Anakin slew with your doors open. This way if anything were to happen Anakin cuts the time to open up doors to get in to save you quicker." Obi Wan smiled apologetically at me. I flashed a tight smile and shook my head.

"It's ok, if it will keep me safe I'm ok with it" I assured him.

"Anakin, watch over her and make sure she feels safe. I must go tell Padme what happened." Obi Wan instructed Anakin before turning and walking off to go find Padme. I kept my eyes focused on the ground, trying to keep the tears from falling. I was utterly terrified, just like I've been the entire time my life has been in danger.

"Are you ok?" Anakin asked, looking at me with an intense gaze and furrowed eyebrows. I glanced up for a split second and nodded.

"I'm fine" I uttered, clearly lying. "I'm sorry that I'm troubling you." I whispered.

"Your obviously not ok" he huffed, becoming impatient. "Your not- Rosie, your not troubling me ok? You having a target on your back because of nothing other than jealousy and bitterness is not troubling me." He tried reassuring me.

"That's not what I meant" I admitted. He released a long sigh and shook his head.

"Rosie," he began with a voice much softer than anything I've ever heard. "I'm sorry. I'm really, truly sorry. I was such an asshole today towards you all because I was mad at myself. You didn't deserve or nor need it especially after what's been going on lately. Trust me, your not troubling me in any way. If anything I'm the one causing trouble in my life." He stepped forward and rested his hands on my biceps.

"I'm sorry as well. I never wanted to hurt you."

"You didn't" he smiled. I returned and leaned in hugging him tightly. Since I was so much smaller than him I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and laid his head on top of mine, rocking us gently. I felt him release a sigh of content, making me smile. I'm glad I didn't mess this up.

"So is it true?" A familiar voice filled the halls making me and Anakin jump apart. I turned and saw Juliette sauntering in with a wicked smirk on her face.

"Is what true, Juliette?" I asked quietly.

"You got a love letter" she asked innocently- although her face read she clearly had an intended effect.

"If you mean the death threat then yes, I did." I answered, hoping no one noticed my voice change in the end. Speaking with Anakin brought my mind away from the whole mess and now she was quickly bringing it back only ten times harder.

"Leave her alone, your being incredibly rude to your soon to be Queen. If I were you I'd learn some respect." Anakin glared at her as he stood in front of me protectively. "Now, go back to whatever you were doing and think about if that was anyway to talk to a member of the royal family."

"Whatever" she sneered angrily before turning around and stomping off. By now my breathing was becoming almost erratic and I was borderline having a panic attack.

"Come on, let's go back to the rooms" Anakin soothed, wrapping a gentle arm around my waist as he lead me back to the room.

Once inside my room I walked over to my bed and broke down. The pressure of everything was too much. Living with a target on my back, moving around, learning to be a queen, meeting Anakin and developing feelings so quick, having him hate me, resolving our dispute, and now Juliette fueling the fire all lead into this mental breakdown. Gosh, I was weak.

"I-I'm sorry Anakin. I'm so sorry. Y-You don't have to see me like this. I'm s-so weak!" I choked out as I gasped for air. I felt like I was drowning. It felt like somebody tied an anchor to my feet and threw me underwater.

Anakin stood there dumbfounded at first before he quickly took action and came over to me. He sat beside me and gently wrapped an arm over my shoulders and brought me into his chest. "Relax Rosie, just breathe. Your ok. I'm not going to let anybody hurt you again. Your safe now, ok? And your not weak, your so strong. I just want you to breathe for me." He whispered calmly as he rubbed my back soothingly.

I let his words flow into my ears and break down. Slowly my lungs began to open back up and my sobs decreased. I sat up straighter and wiped at my eyes, feeling numb inside. "I'm sorry you had to see that. Princesses shouldn't do that stuff...how am I supposed to be queen?" I chuckled darkly.

"Your going to be an amazing queen. Your human. Your an amazing human too so you try not to let your emotions show. You bottle them up and sometimes the bottle over flows and you need to let them out. I'm glad I was here to help you." Anakin smiled, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"I'm glad you were too."

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