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Anakin left after we made out for the second time, leaving me flustered and blushing. He left my room with a proud smirk on his face as he stood tall and confident making me roll my eyes at his pride. He was obviously happy with himself.

I figured now was a good to start getting ready. I put on a beautiful red and gold gown that had a big skirt and had sleeves that fell off my shoulders nicely. I chose my favorite gold crown and matching earrings to wear after I made my hair pin straight. I clipped it back and was satisfied with my appearance.

"Rosie are you ready to go? We have to be announced. Separately though due to our different status's." Padme informed me as she came into my room. She looked at my dress and gasped. "Oh my goodness...Rosie you look beautiful." She said.

"Thank you. You look lovely as well." I complimented her sleek black dress and long black scarf. She smiled and thanked me. We locked arms and walked to the top entrance of our ballroom where two guards were waiting to open the doors.

"Senator Amidala you will be going first and your Jedi protector will be escorting you to your table. Princess Rosie will go next and she will also be escorted by her Jedi protector." A guard informed us.

"Thank you" I told them kindly. We stood behind the doors waiting for our names to be announced. Our mother and the father stood behind us, they would be announced last since they were the King and Queen.

"If everyone could turn their attention to the balcony entrance please." We heard the announcer say from inside. "Please welcome Naboo's senator and the King's daughter Padme Amidala. She will be escorted by Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi." The doors opened and Padme walked out with her held high as she descended the stairs.

"Suddenly I'm afraid" I mumbled to myself as I smoothed out the skirt of my dress. I reached up and made sure my crown sat on top of my head perfectly while I waited anxiously to be called.

"Now, please welcome everyone's favorite princess, Princess Rosie Amidala." The door opened and I clasped my hands in front of skirt as I descended the stairs as quickly and elegantly as possible. "She will be escorted by Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker." As soon as they said his name I looked up and it was as if the world froze around me. My eyes met his and a smile graced both our lips. It was just us two. I walked up to him and he put his arm out for me to take. I gladly took it, biting my lip to contain the silly smile begging to appear.

"You look beautiful" Anakin whispered in my ear as we walked to our table. The announcer had just announced my parents name in the background but I didn't care. It was just him and I.

"Thank you, this is my favorite crown" I giggled quietly. He looked up at it and raised his eyebrows.

"It's very big and looks like it's worth a million dollars." He chuckled. "But then again, the person who adorns it is priceless." I blushed at his words and quickly tried to hide it as we approached the table. We smiled at Obi Wan and Padme as we took our seats beside each other, subtly holding hands underneath the table. So much for not having a relationship am I right?

"Rosie! Padme! I need to introduce you to some people. This is queen Tamara and King Lance of Alderaan. These two handsome boys are prince Danny and prince David." Our father said introducing us to the people we saw earlier in the kitchen. "Oh and we can't forget princess Delilah" he added pointing to the shy little girl who was hiding behind her mothers dress. They all shook our hands and smile politely. I noticed David shake Padme's hand a little longer.

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